Author Topic: facial paralysis  (Read 2327 times)


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facial paralysis
« on: July 05, 2006, 07:17:17 pm »
I had my surgery 12-03.  I have facial paralysis and numbness on the left side.  Have any of you had your face feel worse(Thighter than usual) and everything on that side feel worse for several days or even a week of taking iubrofen every day.  Then it starts feeling better again?  Can't seem to find out what triggers the bad feeling.  Any ideas on what would help?  The numbness it what really bothers me, its like I have been to the dentist except it won't go away.  Even half of my tongue is numb, people don't understand why that bothers me so much. I am weaning of eye ointment during the day and switching to gel drops and saving the ointment for night.  Trying to get my eye doctor to put in a light weight so I can open my eye more.  Any one else have that problem?
     Surgery 12-17-03, nerve graft 1-04, 3.5 cm, facial paralysis, numbness and no hearing in left ear


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Re: facial paralysis
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2006, 07:31:41 pm »
Hi Karen. My surgery was in June 04. I too have facial paralysis and numbness. Yes the numbness is worse than the paralysis, to me. You can always feel it!! I can never forget about my face because it always feels odd. I have had sensation return in the last 6 months or so but it's still there.  As for my face, I have had bouts where it spasms and hurts then it's fine. I just figure it's the nerves firing up.  As for the eye, I got a punctual plug a couple months ago. It has definitely helped. I am able to use less Lacrilube. I've gone from having to put it in every 3-4 hours to every 8. I can use the gel drops but I don't like having to use them so often.  The plug was a very easy and painless procedure.  This month the doc said I could try Restasis.

Have you had any facial therapy?  I learned some massage techniques right after surgery. When my face feels tight I do those. Next week I'm headed to Pittsburgh, UPMC, to the facial rehabilitation person. I'm hoping to learn some more techniques to help with my paralysis.

Feel free to email if you'd like to talk more.........

Surgery June 3, 2004, University Hospitals Cleveland, BAHA received in 2005, Facial Therapy at UPMC 2006


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Re: facial paralysis
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2006, 07:47:36 pm »
Karen, My surgery was 12/15/06.  My tumor was smaller than yours and I had only a month of numbness, but I read the symptoms you are having and have been developing are in a similar pattern as mine but much stronger in intensity.  I remember having awful earlobe and neck pains on Christmas eve and just at the onset of a full two weeks of eye troubles.  The tongue troubles set in a few weeks later.  All of my symptoms subsided quickly but in a similar pattern from others I have read about.  Your eye problems will clear up I feel, but you are in the throes of the worst now.  The whole side of my tongue was numb for a few months.  That was the most annoying symptom of all.  Today at 6½ months out my tongue is okay most days with an occasional sore spot on the tip or the side.  

Keep hanging in there.  All of the stuff you are going through will gradually go away.  Most of us (with a few lucky exceptions)  had some or all of the symptoms like yours.  I am so glad we have the chance to come to this forum to compare notes.  Just the idea of being able to vent and compare is so helpful.  The best treatment for your symptoms is sleep, more hours per night than you were accustomed to pre-op.  Rest, rest, rest.  

I was always a night owl.  I could pull all nighters and catch up in 6 hour's rest.  No more.  Since my translab and for the past 6 months I need at least 8 hours sleep a night.  I am a 64 yr old female.


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Re: facial paralysis
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2006, 07:51:52 pm »
Karen, having half my tongue numb was awful.  I wasn't sure if it was numbness or burning I felt when it finally woke up.  I'd have numb days and then burning days, and red sort spots on the tip.  The back of my tongue near the taste buds was sore too.