Author Topic: Prescription Drugs  (Read 2075 times)


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Prescription Drugs
« on: June 20, 2006, 05:02:11 am »
I've posted this before but will post again for those without insurance coverage for prescription.

First hit the Doctor up for samples. Also contact the maker of the drug, sometimes they have a patient assistence program. 

If the drug is one that you will be taking long term and  you know that you are ok with it ,consider buying in quanity.  Call various pharmacies, you wouldn't believe the price differences.  Then ask the price of a prescription in units of.

 30 -60pills  (whatever the regular size prescription is.)   100 pills and 200 pills.  After 200 there isn't a price saving.  We went from  in the uppers $60. for a 2 week supply,  but found out 100 pills were $125, and 200 was $175.  But you got to call around to find the best price.  This price beat Canada Drug.

Some type of drugs are not available in large qaunities.  Again please talk to your doctor first.  By the way alot of doctors are unaware of the high cost of the drugs they prescribe, so if money is an issue please talk to your doctor to find a solution.  It was only by being upfront with our doctor and working together were we able to come up with the above solution.

Best to all

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Re: Prescription Drugs
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2006, 09:52:10 am »
Great post Raydean! Good to know info! thanks for sharing!!!!!!

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