....or yesterday if you count when surgery started.....
...or tomorrow if you count when they woke me up.
My surgery experience was so different I most often hesitate to comment on posts from new members as I really don't want to make someone more nervous than they already are. I had a long surgery and a long, but not really all that long compared to others, recovery.Throughout the whole ordeal, I think everything was much harder on my family than on me. They had to watch and worry (not to be confused with watch and wait). All I had to do was wake up each time I slept and get on with healing - whether it was sitting in a chair or walking, brushing my teeth and other self-maintenance, or just getting through the wave of depression and fear that hit me once folks had explained things to me and I could understand them.
Imagine really needing to talk, but completely unable to even write. Pointing at an alphabet page is an exercise in desperate futility at times.
Getting the breathing tube out was a big day. Just as a big was removing the feeding tube (for the record, I still maintain that it was accidentally dislodged after the doc had approved its removal and that I did not do it intentionally).
In other words, as everyone knows that has been through surgery (whichever kind), there are all sorts of milestones to mark progress.
A week from tomorrow I see vocal cord specialist about next steps for my voice.
I join the BAHA collective on April at 8:30 am.
Next MRI is April 11.
And most importantly, tonight my wife and I celebrate today's anniversary and Valentine's Day a day early. I missed it last year and have definitely made up for it this year....I hope she likes what I got her. ;-)
Life is good, and each breath is sweet.