the first two surgeries I underwent were exactly debulking via retrosigmoid approach of a really huge tumor (4.5 +). I had had neither hearing loss nor facial issues prior to diagnosis and that was the most surprising for all doctors. Given its big size and growth around the facial and vestibular nerves and my young age my doctors wanted to save my facial and hearing nerves and to get rid me out of the tumor. After the second surgery my doctors recommended proton radiation the best places being Loma Linda, USA and Dubna, Russia at that time (beg of 2008). I am from Bulgaria, Eastern Europe so it was easier for me to travel to Russia and I sent my latest MRI results to them. Shortly after that I heard from a professor from Dubna who told me that they would try but it would be risky because my tumor was still big for radiation.
For this reason, for the fact that I was 25 at that time (hadn't given a birth yet) and the likelihood of regrowth of the tumor (given its big size), I started to research other surgical options out of my country. I went to Germany and for three years now (yesterday Oct 13 was my anniversary) I have lived with no hearing on my injured side and facial deficiency mostly in my eye.
I hope that your tumor is not big and debulking and radiation can work for you!
Good luck,