After severe vertigo and 4 days in hospital last March, I was diagnosed with 'Acute Viral Labyrinthitis' and as an "Oh, by the way . . ." was told I have a small AN. Returning home, I saw local ENT who agreed with diagnosis. He did give me 3 neurosurgeon names - none of whom are associated with local Gamma Knife center - but he didn't see any urgency seeing them since tumor is small. I decided not to pursue his recommendations.
I've questioned viral diagnosis and wondered if AN wasn't cause of everything. Voicing this brought questions of "how could AN cause such sudden symptoms?" Latest ANA Notes article "Learning to Turn a Deaf Ear" confirmed to me that symptoms can indeed appear suddenly. My thanks for that article.ÂÂ
I've decided to go for CK and contacted Stanford and Seattle. Seattle's CK nurse was helpful to talk with, but she indicated they are dealing with some "political issues" right now using CK for brain tumors. She thought they would be resolved, but for now, most brain cases are being referred to Gamma Knife. Because I don't live in Seattle, she said I could send my films for review without appearing for a consultation appointment, but I didn't get the impression that this is routine. She also confirmed that while the machine does alot, the final treatment plan is determined by the radiation oncologist and the physicist and that their experience is important. So even with CK and all it's automation, the ANUSA recommendation for "treatment from a medical team with substantial acoustic neuroma experience" remains valid advice.
Stanford was wonderful. Their CK nurse returned my call promptly, answered my questions, and was very helpful. Stanford has weekly review conferences of films sent. My films are off and hopefully will be reviewed this week. I anticipate hearing their recommendation soon. There's no delay getting in. She said that if CK is advised, I could be scheduled in a week. Even this step is such a relief. After researching everything I could, I'm satisfied that whatever they recommend will be the best for me. Their facility seems to run 'like a well-oiled machine'. Peace of mind is priceless.
My thanks again to all who share their experiences and knowledge here. Whether I've responded to your messages or not, your messages have helped me tremendously.