Author Topic: sudden hearing loss with no answers  (Read 15359 times)


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Re: sudden hearing loss with no answers
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2011, 03:06:44 am »
Hi Sue,
I am sorry for what your daughter and you are going through.  I know how the worry zaps so much out of you...  I had some very good news with my most recent MRI, which was with contrast.  The lesion was exactly the same as the previous MRI, which has led the doctors to think that it is some type of a swollen blood vessel that I was probably born with - like a birth mark on the brain.  They think it is an 'incidental' finding that would not have caused symptoms, but happened to show up on the MRI.  My symptoms don't seem to indicate 'nothing wrong' but could be related to anxiety and my brain adapting to having the use of mostly one ear.  I think the balance issues go along with hearing loss for quite some time.  I had some facial numbness and jaw pain, which took me to my oral surgeon to check out a dental implant he did 3 years ago.  He said it looked fine.  The pain was getting intense, so I went to my dentist, who told me I need a major root canal.  So hopefully, when that is taken care of, maybe some of the 'head symptoms' will subside.  Maybe even the tinnitus and ear fullness will lessen!  I need to work on the anxiety, which causes shakiness and little tremors - not to mention insomnia!  I think the brain gets in a negative loop with the tinnitus - as that came on when I lost my hearing - and my limbic system is on overdrive.  I am trying to relax, stretch, do yoga and continue to exercise every day. I am glad that your daughter's tests have all come back negative.  But it is my understanding that the MRI with contrast is best at showing the types of lesions found in MS.  I would ask for that with her next MRI.  I am so sorry for all the worry this must cause you both.  I know it can take several years before MS is diagnosed and there are people diagnosed at a young age who lead incredibly active and full lives, able to enjoy all kinds of sports and activities.  Try to keep the faith.  Please let me know how things go.  This is a wonderful place  for people to educate and support one another.  ;)


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Re: sudden hearing loss with no answers
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2011, 06:36:19 am »
Hi Debbie, 

Thank you for your reply.  My daughter is currently taking meds for 'stress induced headaches.'
We will see if that works.  She knows that stress is a big factor as she is in her senior year in college and studying nursing, not an easy curriculum!  But I am keeping a watchful eye to see if anything else develops.  Also, i do know that for some with MS the lesions do not show on the MRI.

I am so happy to hear that your current MRI and picture of the lesion is the same! 
Now you can go to the dentist and see to the root canal.  Hopefully, this will help with the head pain.

Hearing loss and tinnitus can be more of a problem for some than others.
Then sometimes it seems like it a vicious cycle, I know what you mean. 
I hope you get some relief from your pain and anxiety. 
Please keep us posted with any updates as well.

All my best!
Little sister to Bigsister!
9mm X 6mm X 5mm
Misdiagnosed 12+ years?
Diagnosed Sept. 2008/MRI 4/09/MRI 12/09/MRI 1/21/11
Continued W & W


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Re: sudden hearing loss with no answers
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2011, 05:53:04 am »
Hi Sue,
I didn't realize that you had AN (as well as your sister!).  So you know all about this stuff! I am not very good at figuring out how to read daily posts yet - but I think when I searched yours, I read that you had recently tried hearing aids.  And you said that some caused ear pain and/or a sense of ear fullness.  With my hearing loss, I have had both of these symptoms that seem to come and go - the fullness is there every day. The internal head tremors are the most bothersome to me.  I have not yet tried hearing aids, but will probably pursue next year when I know more about whether my hearing will change anymore.  I feel so fortunate to have no serious diagnosis, but also wish I knew what caused this.   Did you ever find hearing aids that worked well for you?  Also, I have heard that some hearing aids help to tone down the tinnitus.  I will definitely be looking for those.  I wish you all the best and hope you will keep me posted on how you and your family are doing.  Take good care,