Hello everyone,
I was hoping you all could jump in and let me know how typical it is for facial weakness/paralysis to go away or stick around. I have had a tough couple of weeks dealing with tumor swelling from radiation. Last week facial weakness set it. On the left side, my eye doesn't blink, there isn't any reaction from it when something gets close to it. My face is drooping a bit and the left side of my lips aren't able to do much. I'm sure not able to whistle, that's for sure.
I know many of you have dealt with or are dealing with this issue. My question is... does this typically go away? I was put back on Decadron. If so, how long does that take usually? Or, does it stick around once that nerve gets irritated. I know this is a difficult question to answer. Everyone has so many differences and all that but I am not able to get into doctors for awhile and am just looking for some info on how probable it is that I may be stuck with this. I would appreciate your experience. Thank you so much.