Author Topic: Memphis, TN physicians  (Read 6074 times)


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Re: Memphis, TN physicians
« Reply #15 on: June 26, 2006, 04:07:11 pm »
For those wife and I just returned from Stanford University Medical Center where she underwent CyberKnife treatment for her AN.  We had planned for the surgical approach but after much research and discussions with patients who had either surgery or was clear that the only way to preserve her quality of life with no protracted recovery time was via radiation.

I have to say that we were INCREDIBLY IMPRESSED with both the professionalism and knowledge of the staff as well as the facilities and resources available at Stanford.  I realize not everyone qualifies for this procedure but I truly believe we made the right choice and had the right team in place.  I would given them the HIGHEST recommendation if ever an age where I have come to expect less and less from my healthcare providers, these guys set the bar high once again.

While we are only a few days out from treatment and are well versed on the potential side effects that could manifest up to several months out...she has experienced not the first one thus far.