Author Topic: Newly diagnosed in Ontario, Canada  (Read 12112 times)


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Re: Newly diagnosed in Ontario, Canada
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2011, 10:28:25 am »
Hi Lori,

Welcome. I am new here too. Just diagnosed back in March as well. Right sided hearing loss with tinitus for about 2 years. My GP kept telling me nothing wrong and just take decongestants.ugh....
Anyway I finally went to an ENT who sent me for hearing test (I flunked) then an MRI which found the AN. It is quite small, less than 2cm.

It wasn't too hard me for to decide about Gamma Knife vs. surgery, only because I have 3 small children, ages 9, 5, and 2. I am only 40 and what I have read is most younger people do not get GK, they do surgery due to age. BUT, I do not have a big family, very little help with my kids, and all I really have is my husband (who really isn't that huge of a help - lol). So, I felt that the best thing for me was GK. I researched and there are pros/cons for every thing. I would have honestly preferred doing the surgery to remove the tumor but due to the above circumstances, I just had no choice.

Everyone has different reasons for doing what they do, and I felt like since the tumor was small, if in time it did not go away with the radiation, then later on I could do the "real" surgery when my children were a bit older and could handle it better.

Either way, I would definitely look at both of your options. If your dr is saying "no" to radiation, find out why. My dr was not biased. He did both Gamma and Brain Surgery. He recommended GK due to the size, location, and outcome.

Good look with your decision. Take your time if you can. I did rush into it, but I wanted this done with sooner than later. I have lost at least 1/2 of my hearing and the dr said it would most likely be gone by another year. So, that is why I went ahead rather quickly. Plus it all worked out well. Just had it done Tuesday and other than side effects from the steroids, I am doing pretty well.

This forum is extremely helpful, with very knowledgeable people who have great advice.

I did post a few days ago about my experience with the Gamma Knife. It was not bad at all. (look for proudmomof3)

Good Luck!

Cheryl :)
Right AN - 1.5cm
Diagnosed 3/2011
GK  4/2011
Last MRI 5/13 - 1.5cm
SSD Right Side, Constant Tinnitus, Vertigo, Headaches


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Re: Newly diagnosed in Ontario, Canada
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2011, 07:21:28 pm »
Hi Lori and Welcome (just came across this post tonight)
I also am from Ontario. My story is that my kids kept telling me to get my hearing tested.  After consulting with my doctor who put me on nose spray at first, she finally referred me to an ENT near my town (Beachburg). This ENT told me I was going deaf from old age( uhmm, I was like 47).  MY gut feeling told me to get another opinion.  My GP referred me this time to an ENT in our nation's capital.  At that time we didnt have the cyber machine.  After consulting with him, he wanted me to go into W &W...I said 'no' that I wanted it out.  The ENT referred me to the neurosurgeon that he pairs up with, Dr Benoit.   So on April 7/2009, I underwent translab.  They couldnt remove the entire tumor without damaging the facial, so he removed what he now its a yearly MRI with another special (radiation Doc) and when Booger decides to grow, the game plan it to nuke him via cyberknife. The docs in Ottawa are great...Dr. Sinclair and Morgan at the Civic Campus are great.  PM me anytime you want.  Willing to talk on phone as well...
14mmX11mmX11mm left ear
TRANSLAB 04/07/09 2cms at time of surgery
Dr. Benoit and Schramm, Ottawa Civic Campus
SSD ,some facial numbness
Baha surgery sept 22/09
residual tumor 13mmX7mmX8mm
2016 new growth.  25mmX21mmX22mm
cyberknife on June 7