Hi Everyone,
I have recently been introduced to the very frightening world of the facial nerve schwannoma. I was accidently diagnosed in march with what they feel to be a facial nerve schwannoma. I have also heard it referred to as a Facial neuroma but not sure if they are the same thing or actually a different diagnosis at this time. My story goes as follows : I am 30 years old, and have a genetic heart comdition - for which i had an extensive open heart surgrey in june of '05 for. This was a success and as my recovery progressed i noticed i had a mild Ataxia (imbalance), which was to be expected ( i was put on and taken off bypass a total of 3 times). Anyway about 8 months after the surgrey, i changed PCP's and she decided to do a ct scan in case i had any mild TIA's that were missed during the surgrey with coming off and going on bypass so many times - again a common enough thing to have happen with a surgrey of this nature. Well with the CT scan came the news that i did no thave any strokes or TIA's but it discovered that I had a schwanomma in my temporal bone area on my left side.
I have now seen 2 specialists and both have concluded that my mild imbalance is non related to this and is still a residual effect of the Open heart surgrey - which makes some sense
So, Now i have a signifant tumor in a location which correlates to it being in facial nerve. The tumor size is about 2.5-3 CM and has erroded some bone structure in there, is pressing against my brain and is starting to protude down into my ear cavity ( I cannnot remember the term for this area). It is also apparently within millimeters of the part of my ear which, when it encroaches on this, will cause permenant deafness. The other interesting fact is that i have no symptoms at this time.!!!! My hearing is perfect, no facial paralysis and feel fine.
I met with a specialist yesterday and he gave me the options. Wait and watch, radiation and surgrey. he highly recommeded surgrey for this one as he can still prevent hearing loss. However he made it very clear that i will have fiull facial paralysis, as they will need to cut out the nerve in that area will need a graft and will probabally regain maybe half of my facial movement in 12-18 months.
So that is where is am - Truly lost, I am not even sure what to do next. I just spent years researching my Heart condition, found the best place in the world (Cleveland Clinic) had a successful surgrey and was feeling great. I was not worried going in for the surgrey as I was comfortable that i had made the best decision. I knew what all the possible outcomes were and how they would affect me. I was prepared
I am in NYC. I saw selesnick yesterday and thought very highly of him. I am seeing Gutin monday as part of a selesnick/gutin approach.
Where is the best place in the country for this? Who is the top surgeon with best track record? How do i decide?. While i have some time - i may not have much - the one caveat that I am being advised on is that if it grows much more it may kill my hearing - this i want to avoid at all costs. So i need to figure out what i need to do rather soon
what is Facial paralysis lilke, how will it affect me. this i am terrified of. will i be able to keep my job and work? will my speech be affected, will i be able to eat, chew, taste etc.?
Are there any people out here with this exact type of tumor - i know that this board is specifically for AN's , i cannot find any community with support for what i have as of yet.
Thanks for listening/reading, I am sure i will post some more soon.
I woud appreciate any feedback or advice. My email address is puublic so feel free to email me if you wish