Author Topic: Antidepressants help tinnitus?  (Read 2831 times)


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Antidepressants help tinnitus?
« on: June 17, 2011, 07:33:31 pm »
I am curious to know if anyone out there has experienced this. I have recently stopped taking the antidepressant that I have been on for about 2 years now (lexapro). I swear my tinnitus seems louder. Do you think that maybe antidepressants make tinnitus a little quieter?? Don't get me wrong, my head noise is awful even with the med. But a little quieter is better than nothing!
2.5cm x2.0cm cerebellapontine angle meningioma. 100% removal 2/2009. House Ear Institute. Dr Brackmann and Dr. Schwartz. SSD right ear. No balance problems except when really tired, no headaches. Transear hearing aide made no difference, tried it for 4 months.


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Re: Antidepressants help tinnitus?
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2011, 09:28:29 am »
I think it depends on what anti depressent you are taking. I have been on Zoloft for years, and my tinnitus is as loud as ever. I even increased the dosage and that did not help at all. It does help with my anxiety issues somewhat, but as far as the ringing/noises in my ear, it has done nothing at all to stop it. So, maybe there is something out there that helps, but IMO, zoloft is not one of them.

Right AN - 1.5cm
Diagnosed 3/2011
GK  4/2011
Last MRI 5/13 - 1.5cm
SSD Right Side, Constant Tinnitus, Vertigo, Headaches