I'm really hoping to be in your shoes 3 years from now. But I know I've had symptoms of this for a very long time and I'm only 48 years old. I had an MRI in 2000 that showed nothing. Even if I'm watch and wait for another 10 years and it grows at the same rate it probably has in the past 10+ years, I could end up with something 2X what I have. What I've seen in the past couple of MRI(s) is a very positive thing. I'm hoping that will continue, but I also want to be a bit proactive.
Truth is that I really don't feel ready yet to make a treatment decision partly because I still can't believe that I am in the position to have to be making this decision.
**** I realize I'm going a bit off track with the following but can your relate to it??? *****
Funny, if I listen to some of the people around me, who don't have an AN, it's very easy to hear them say, "I wouldn't have radiation" OR "I wouldn't let them cut a hole in my skull the size of a jam jar lid". But they don't have an AN so they can flippantly say that. They haven't researched it and they don't understand the numerous possible side effects of any of the choices. I look normal to them so they give me the impression that they think I'm making the whole thing up.
As you can tell, I'm experiencing anxiety over this not unlike many who have come before me down this road. I am the type of person who always has a plan. Who researches before buying any major item. Who agonizes over how to connect his ipod to his stereo before finding just the right docking station (and it works perfectly BTW).
It's always good hearing from you Mickey. Have you thought about attending the next NYC ANA meeting on Sept 24th?