I was diagnosed in April, and the 10mm guy is now on his 2nd MRI and has not grown. He is in W&W status. So be it. But, my doctor was doing a test on me and said I had some weakness on my dominant side leg. I pushed harder with my non-dominant than my dominant. He was concerned and it showed in his face.
He ordered a full body MRI. Now, I thought the head was a long trip inside this tube, but the full body is x3 inside. Then, the next day I had to have a full CT scan as well. That was Monday. He said he would call me and tell me to pucker up and come in, or see me in 6 months for another MRI on the AN.
What in the world is he looking for? I feel like an idiot for not asking, but everything I am reading is not very good. As Tuesday goes into Wednesday and now tomorrow is Thursday, I am a bit worried that what started as a scary AN that came out of the blue could be something much worse. I basically hug my 5 year old son to cope.