Morning all! ...good news...well sort of??
I had my annual MRI in July and when I read the MRI, I noted that the tumor looked slightly smaller. But, I also noticed that there weren't as many slices (images) of the tumor to select from. So I wasn't sure if the tumor did get smaller...or did it "appear" to get smaller because of the amount of images available for viewing. So I figured I'd wait to see the doc and ask at follow up.
The doc (and radiologist report) also said the tumor was slightly smaller (by 3-4mm in each direction). I asked the doc about the amount of slices to view from...and also that I assumed that shrinkage would be accompanied by necrosis. Doc still feels its slightly smaller. I asked to be kept on an annual MRI at least another year (verses 2 yr), and he said OK. BTW...hearing results are the change or loss in hearing in AN ear.
So...first of all I'm thankful to God that it appears smaller (and that the tumor has been stable since 2005)...but I'm cautious to celebrate. I'm waiting on my follow up results from the University of Virginia as they also read and make recommendations (I'm in their follow up study as a Gamma Knife patient). If next years study is the same then I'll think about celebrating.
Just filling you all in....thanks for reading.