My surgery was at the end of July. I planned to be out for 4 weeks post-op. I had a boatload of complications after surgery and was out for 4 months! (August, September, October and November.)
In December, I returned to work on a graduated schedule--my normal work schedule is 3 days per week (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday). I started with 1/2 day in week 1 and week 2; two half days week 3.
I am starting three half days per this week for the month of January (week 4 - week 8.) In the beginning of February, I am supposed to go to three full days per week, but I am thinking I should add an interim step--say two full days and one-half day before I go full schedule.
I get very tired, my brain gets really tired, my face feels a bit heavy on the left side where the surgery was. My body seems to do ok--though my balance gets worse when I am tired. It feels good to be back at work and sometimes because of that, I start doing more outside of work than I really should because I do feel good. So, I'm learning to stop myself and remind myself that I have to stay completly focused on working then resting---period and only doing things that are absolutely.
My employer has been absolutely great about all of this--not only my lengthy absence but their willingness to work with me to make the transition back successful for all of us.
Hope this specific information will help you.