I had the retrosegmoid procedure to remove a 4.5cm AN tumor on June 7th of this year (2006). I'm pleased to report that it was a very successful surgery and I enjoyed a rapid recovery.
Over 70% of the tumor was removed with no noticable nerve damage (the facial nerves were monitored during the surgery to avoid disturbing them, which is common procedure, now). I did not experienced headaches following surgery and no spinal fluid leakage whatsoever. I do sometimes experience a slight 'dry eye' condition in my left eye - the side the AN tumor once was on, usually late in the day when I'm getting tired. OTC eyedrops quickly correct the condition. I expect it will eventually resolve itself. If not, it's a very minor inconvenience to deal with. Unfortunately, my hearing was already lost pre-surgery, so that is not an issue for me, one way or the other. I did have some relatively minor balance problems, post-op. They were quickly resolved with exercises, a lot of walking and my determination to get back to normal. I was driving and resuming all of my regular activities within 4 weeks of my AN surgery. Obviously, surgery results will vary for each individual AN patient. That being said, my neurosurgeon and I are well satisfied with the results I have had. 'Fractionalized Radiation' (30 treatments over 30 days) to kill the cells of (what remains) of the tumor is scheduled to begin in early September and will end by mid-October. Then I'll be done with this thing for good, I hope.