So 3 years post-op, my tumor grew. I was having headaches radiating from the base of my skull so my GP ordered an MRI. The tumor grew about 3mm up and 1mm wide. It is now 10.6mm x 8.4mm. My last MRI was 2 years ago. My problem is I am leaving Sunday to go on a 5 week trip to my mom's with my boys. The dr said she thinks it is ok if I go, just bring my disks in case. I am scared of having to have surgery and not being able to do cyber knife if I don't get it treated asap. I had surgery 3 years ago and it left massive nerve damage. Also, my 4.5 month old is nursing and I worry about how this is going to effect that. I know it may sound like a silly thing to worry about but my older son was 10 months old when I had to have surgery and I was getting way off (falling over, etc...) for a few months before that. So I am already upset that this thing keep interfering with my being part of my children's baby-hood. I am kind of numb and scared right now. My husband showed me that it isn't that big, especially compared to last time. Any reassurance? Advice? Should I go? I could go and maybe do the Cyber Knife up there, assuming it can be done for me? We will be in Tacoma, WA and have Cigna PPO, so I don't know if our insurance would take up there?