Way cool, Lizard-wench!
Dr D would have been my next step had I not tried Botox and time. 9 1/2 years out and my daily headaches are a thing of the past and I very seldom get a full-blown brainwreck that a lil injectable Imitrex doesn't take pretty good care of. I sure wish I'd had access to this forum immediately post-op and the wealth of information contained therein. It is an amazing vehicle for those seeking answers that the medical community is unable to provide. This forum used to be a listserve email service when I came onboard the ANA wagon in 2002. I found HEI through it. Post-op it was really difficult to keep up with as more and more folks found it and every post and reply came into my email.
I had to unsubscribe due to the sheer volume of stuff. I came back on board 3 years later and found Phyll, Laz (also a headacher), BattyPrincess(Michele) Joef, Donnalynn, Pattiyootee, and a bunch of others. Many changes have happened in the past 6 years including the addition of this headache section, which I know has been a God-send to many, many, people who didn't have the benefit of others experience.
So glad Dr D was able to help you and special thanks to Janet, who, I think was the first patient I heard about who was able to get help from him.
I've been having chiropractic treatments (adjustments paid for by Medicare--Yay!!!) for the past several months, hoping for some relief from the low back pain I've been having and one of the benefits was him really working on my neck area, he says I have a badly twisted C4 which he's been able to correct somewhat as my neck/shoulder pain has abated quite a bit. Unfortunately I'm looking at sacroiliac surgery after exhausting all other pain modalities. Found an implant system and a great surgeon through the company that makes the implant. Very cutting edge and Medicare-approved. Why is it that Medicare approves procedures that my insurance company (BCBS) refused to cover? Hmmmmmm......
Anyway, good on ya Liz. There is no better feeling than relief from living with chronic pain. It's like dropping a 100 lb backpack you've been carrying around for years!
Hugs to ya!
Capt Deb