I used to always sleep on my stomach, then after a few surgeries that REQUIRED I sleep on my back (when you're tired enough or you had enough drugs.....) I switched to being a side sleeper but always, ALWAYS, slept on my right side. After AN surgery, I couldn't, so when I was in the hospital I found a way, by leaning on another pillow to lay on my back but to the left side. Now I always sleep on my good side which is my left side (blocks out all the nasty snoring anyway) and can't sleep on the AN side even though it has healed to the point where it isn't uncomfortable any more. What I'm saying is that I think if you give it enough time, you can adjust, and while you're adjusting, take something to help get you to sleep if necessary. I did spend alot of time in a recliner after my surgery. I'd say if you want to invest in something, invest in one of those. You can move around pretty good to find a comfortable spot in them and you can also get up much easier than from a bed, IMO. I say, whatever you can afford and whatever works for ya! Good luck.