Author Topic: newbie here, 23 mo post op still struggling  (Read 4218 times)

Patti UT

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newbie here, 23 mo post op still struggling
« on: August 11, 2006, 09:12:34 pm »
Just signed on to this site this evening. In reading much of what is on here, I am finding that many of my issues are similar to many posted here. This saddens me as I was hopeful these things would eventually go away. My balance is better than last year at this time, as I am no longer falling all the time. The headaches, vertigo and tennitus are still quite severe and sometimes dibilitaing. The hearing loss, although quite annoying, especially to my family who have to repeat everything to me, is minor compared to the other issues. I live at a high altitude, and in the winter the barametric pressure changes and cloudy/stormy weather just about killed me last year. Now that the AN has put me out of a 15 yr Real Estate career,  we are more dependant on my spouses income and therefore not currently in a position to move "off the mountain" to a lower elevation. I know that won't "cure" my problems but I do believe it would make me more comfortable, so hopefully we can relocate in the not so far of future.

In reading this site it appears that many are on various drugs. My docs attempted tp put me on various anti depressents, and anti seziur meds. I tried a few over a 5 month period, only to feel worse. With the vertigo, etc, I already feel "altered" The last thing I need is a drug to make me even more altered, so I quit all drugs.  I have found that one advit and one tylenol together seem to do well on some of my  moderate headaches. The really bad ones in the morning I take excederine and it really helps. It has caffine in it so it gets to work fast, but can't take it at night. Caffine and theexisting imsomina (tennitus) don't go together. Sometimes it's so bad that nothing helps and I usually suffer a few days, then break down and tak 1/4 - 1/2 a perkaset left over from the surgery. Otherwise, I don't know that I want to try the drug merry-go-round again, but I could use some help sometimes.
 One of the concerns I have is with a recurrance of or new tumor growth. In reading this site it appears that recurrance is more prominant thatn the docs would have you believe.  When I first was diagnosed, during research and networking, I found 4 people that I know indirectly than have had AN surgery. 3 here in Utah where I live and 1 in Northern CA.  The one here has had this surgery 3 times. The first was the original AN, the second was around 7-8 yrs later for a recurrant growth , and the 3rd, was actually not an AN but a miniginoma in a different part of the brain.  The othe person I found in CA had his second AN surgery 7 yrs after the first.  My surgeon didn't want me to have a follow up MRI until 5 yrs, but with some of the issues I am experiencing I got one 14 mo post op and it already showed "susspicious" tissue that could not be differentiated between what could be "tumor" growth and scar tissue from the surgery. I am told not to come back until 2009 becaue they grow to slow to tell.

  I have managed to keep a possitive attitude through this whole thing, (not counting the really bad days, and we all have 'em) so I guess I have prepared myself for what seems to be almost enivedibal, the second go round someday. My hopes are that, since they are supposively slow growing, I can out live the second one,( I'm 47 now) When the doc tells yo that even one cell left behind could be enough for regrowth, you kind of have to "go figure"what the outcome might be.

  What keeps me going is my kids that I have to finish raising, they are still quite young, and watching the news. The Tusnami had just hit directly after my surgery. As bad as I felt and as sorry for myself as I was feeling, all I had to do was turn on the news and my perspective was immediatly changed. Why, what the heck was I whinning about. So what if I couldn't hear, walk, eat, sleep, be without pain,blink my eye, see out of it, etc. I had my life and had been blessed with the promise of continuing my job raising my kids.  Now that I am doing better, not without problems, but better, when I have a down day, all I have to do is turn on the news. There is always something going on that we are so fortunate we are not experiencing. And there is always someone out ther that can use our help, even if it's just a kind thought or prayer.

Does the post op BS of An surgery get better? YES, but just  a little at a time, It teaches us the patience maybe we never had, and the compassion for others we should always  have had.

I look forward to reading more on this site and hopefully learning more about improving my/our situation.  In the meantime,
peace, love, and understanding.

Patti UT

PS anyone out there from utah?
2cm Rt side  middle fossa  at University of Utah 9/29/04.
rt side deafness, dry eye, no taste, balance & congintive issues, headaches galore
7/9/09 diganosed with recurrent AN. Translab Jan 13 2010  Happy New Year


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Re: newbie here, 23 mo post op still struggling
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2006, 02:19:15 am »
At 23mths things are taking a while to adjust - a couple of suggestions for you
Firstly for you (and anyone who is single sided deaf) have a look a lipreading classes.
my first lession - I discovered I was already doing it .
Basically you dont need to be an expert but the extra visual clues help
your hearing, or comprehension of what is going on
- you will find you "hear" better when someone is looking at you (??)
Looking at the med list - you may have to seek more advice here
basically caffine has been linked to increasing tennitaus symptoms
(caffine might make you "feel" better whilst actually making the symtoms worse)
I would suggest others on this list may have found some herbal
type remedies or supplements that are worth a try.
In regards regrowth - I dont rule it out - but they are rare
as these things grow at (approx) 2mm per year  it can take a while to tell
I doubt even at 4mm regrowth (23mths x 2mm/24) it would offer
the symptoms you describe.
Even if it does move again - it can hardy take your hearing a second
time in the same ear - and it would many years before a further
threat to other functions.
(and you would have a radiotherapy option as well)
You could always get a second opinion - and a new MRI -
if your insurance covers it - and you can get a copy of your last MRI.
For the headaches I would suggest you look at some of the
"headache threads" there are many suggestions.
Finally (sorry for the Gettysburg address here)
I am not completely sure that you have completed adjustment
to your new life - the headaches/balance/hearing issues have
prevented this. Serving as reminders to a troubled past (?)
For example maybe you cant "Real Estate" in the "old way"
that you used to - but you could do it on line ?,
or you could train new recruits ?, or act as a consultant ?
or set up your own firm on your own terms ?
Once you are active again your focus will change.
But to do any of this you have to get the mind issues resolved
here first - talk to you doc explain its all still troubling you.
Clue - I would be looking for solutions that dont involve meds...
Overall it will get better - but a gentle push along the way will help
Good luck
and Best Regards

Patti UT

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Re: newbie here, 23 mo post op still struggling
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2006, 01:27:12 pm »

  Thanks for the advise. Acutally I was lip readu=ing even before my diagonsis  but didn't realize it either. The worse my hearing got, the more I was doing it especially in a crowded room. Now I can't socialize at a party without facing the person and lip reading wery intently because of background noise. With my family it is difficult because they haven't adjusted either and try to talk to me when my back is turned or from the other room, etc. Seems lik I pick up the 3rd or 4th word of the sentence they say, so I have to ask them to repeat so I get the whole comment. I have always been a very high enegy self motivated person and been very successful in my real Estate business. In addition to my balance/hearing/vertigo/headach problems, i have some cognitive problems since the surgery that cause e to question my ability somewhat. I have been looking into getting back into the business but in a different way as you suggested. I am currently the "project manager" on a build job I am doing for an investment property which has improved my confidence and taken up as much of my"work" time as I can manage right now. Once it is finished my kids will be back in school and I plan to somehow get back into the work world in some way. MY docs put me through a series of balance tests in April, determined I'm not as adjusted to the loss of the vestibular nerve as would be expected at this point, not much I can do about it except keep cahllenging myself with excercises etc.  Your point on caffine is well taken. I actually was just reading about sugar intake as well as caffine and what it does to our bodies. Tried to go off the coffee last week, lasted 3 days, couldn't hack it so I'm back on. Going to try weaning a little at a time, but do intend on getting off of it and give it a try. I just don't know if I can gove up the excederine. Other that that, I'm with you, the drug merry-go-round the docs want to put you on are not for me.  tell me a litle bit about you.
Patti UT
2cm Rt side  middle fossa  at University of Utah 9/29/04.
rt side deafness, dry eye, no taste, balance & congintive issues, headaches galore
7/9/09 diganosed with recurrent AN. Translab Jan 13 2010  Happy New Year


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Re: newbie here, 23 mo post op still struggling
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2006, 04:24:05 pm »
Hi Patti,

Tony's excellent post covers most of the areas but i'd like to bring up the area of hearing aids.  With the one on one and the socialization needed in the Real Estate world it might be helpful to research the different aids that are available.  From the BAHA, to the digitals, BiCros, there's a few options that may help.  I'm sure that others on the list that have decided on an aid could give you ideas on which one worked best for you.  Please talk to your Doctor, have an up dated hearing test which will give you an idea as to what might work best for you best on your remaining hearing.  It's important that you go to a good audiologist that is well experienced with the issues that you face, rather then going to someone that just wants to make the sale.

Thinking of you
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

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Re: newbie here, 23 mo post op still struggling
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2006, 08:20:10 pm »
Welcome to the forum, Patti!
There is a lot of help here, especially for us "posties with issues"--post-treatment folks with residual problems. You can post your tumor size, date of surg--etc in the signature section which you will find under your "profile" and "modify profile"--this will give us a frame of refence on you when you post. Feel free to send anyone a private message just by clicking on their name.  There is a ton of stuff on headaches--which you can look at by using the "search" button.
My current Headache Wizard is treating me for cluster headaches with Neurontin, trigger point injections and injectable Imitrex and NO caffeine and for the first time in three years, I am seeing some progress. Balance retraining is up to us, though, and requires a good bit of dedication and work.
Keep posting as often as you can and get to know this bunch of folks..they are GREAT!
Capt Deb 8)
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
50-ish with a 1x.7x.8cm.AN
Mid-fossa HEI, Jan 03 Friedman & Hitselberger
Chronic post-op headaches
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Re: newbie here, 23 mo post op still struggling
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2006, 12:55:17 am »
OK - Top line 46, NF2, 4.5 Left, 1.0 Right, 3.0 upper neck.
Threatened (in order) with blindness, paralyisis, then farm purchase
7 OPS, (1xGamma, 1xshunt, 1xface rebuilt)
now 12mths post-OPs, intially wheelchaired now walking/running
balance/co-ordination improving 1xgamma to follow
and hoping for a white Xmas....
The full story is on a thread - look under "Tony"
Best Regards


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Re: newbie here, 23 mo post op still struggling
« Reply #6 on: August 13, 2006, 08:16:57 am »
Hi patti,   (good name)

I think you will soon find out that there is so much info available for you here. 

Sorry you are having these problems.  I would say to continue to look for a DR. that perhaps can better help you....Each one is different and has a different opinion. And when something starts working for you, things automatically just get better!!

Have a good day!! Glad you posted after 2 years.

17 mm AN removed 1-16-06
  paralysis, cornea transplant,avascular necrosis

   'Are we having fun yet?'

Patti UT

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Re: newbie here, 23 mo post op still struggling
« Reply #7 on: August 13, 2006, 11:04:01 am »

   You have been through way too much for a man of your young age. My heart goes out to you.
You seem to have managed to keep strong through it all.
Patti UT
2cm Rt side  middle fossa  at University of Utah 9/29/04.
rt side deafness, dry eye, no taste, balance & congintive issues, headaches galore
7/9/09 diganosed with recurrent AN. Translab Jan 13 2010  Happy New Year


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Re: newbie here, 23 mo post op still struggling
« Reply #8 on: August 13, 2006, 01:19:23 pm »
Thanks - I do feel a "little" older than I was
but there again, perhaps I am fortunate to "enjoy" that feeling (?)
keep the faith
best regards
ps I think you guys call it British "understatement"