Author Topic: Newly diagnose ACOUSTIC NEUROMA  (Read 10453 times)


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Re: Newly diagnose ACOUSTIC NEUROMA
« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2012, 10:23:55 am »
Hi Eric-
Just want to tell you to hang in there.  I so identify with your anxiety.  In the midst of me figuring out my an my husband has had sudden open heart surgery.  I  am both anxious to speak with and afraid to speak with ANY doctors, but we must go forward.
We will pray for every one of us.  God has to hear us.
Best wishes, Millie


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Re: Newly diagnose ACOUSTIC NEUROMA
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2012, 09:04:07 pm »
Well I got the CI done and it has been much more difficult than I thought it would. It's been a long painful dizzy 5 days. The pain is much better today but the dizzy thing is still some what of a problem. At least the room or bed dose not try to flip over any more. It will be some time before it is turned on, my job will be gone fore sure by July1. I got paper work turned in today that will turn my short term disability into long term, my wife and I will not go broke. My conversion INS policy will be about 400.00 a month covers pr-existing conditions no rx 3k deductible better than nothing. No INS plan for my wife yet, she is 10yrs younger than I and is in good health so I hope I can find some thing for around 200.00 a month. Most of my meds i can get cheap a wallmart some i will have to shop for outside of US. If any one has some suggestions pleas let me know.

Take care Eric