It must be a good feeling to start hearing better again, I'm glad for everyone who does. I wish I could say the same. With the very recent heat wave we've had and the air conditioners running all the time, and now the fan and it's august so all the secadas are singing, aaahhhhhh!!! I feel like I have a very noisy concert going on in my head and my hearing feels like it's disappearing! I still can't get over how you can hear the tinnitus, and so loudly, in an ear that can't hear any regular sounds
It's baffling how there are many cures out there for many things and they can't do anything about stupid tinnitus. I get so annoyed with it and also very confused and NEVER know where a sound is coming from. Drives me crazy when someone calls out my name and I have no idea where the sound is coming from. Then again, most of the time, I don't even hear it! When a small dog barks, omg, I think my head is going to explode, must be the pitch. I wish, right now, that I could go shake the darn trees and make all the secadas fly away, then again, they'd probably bite me! LOL Hopefully all the dragonflies I saw outside tonight will eat many of the mosquitoes around here. It's been so hot and there are way too many bugs for my liking. Ok, so now that I'm way off target, I'll stop. That's my random thoughts for the night