Author Topic: Question about Gamma Knife post-treatment symptoms?  (Read 2565 times)


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Question about Gamma Knife post-treatment symptoms?
« on: June 05, 2012, 01:33:15 pm »
Hi everyone!  Been a long time since I have been on and I have to admit the reason I stopped reading, posting, and asking questions is because I was both frightened and concerned.  I was diagnosed in June 2011 and after two consults I ended up having the Gamma Knife Radiosurgery (1x treatment) and I was convinced that it was the best treatment for me.  I had treatment in September 2011... I thought the treatment was relitively simple and I didn't experience much pain and the staff at he Cleveland Clinic were remarkable.  I felt good post procedure... a little tired following the procedure but back to work, business as usual.  Tinnitus began to get much louder. I did suffer from migraines but I  dealt with those prior to surgery and by December the doctor had those controlled as well.  First follow up MRI was January 2012... no change.  In April of 2012... I noticed that I wasn't hearing well at all, in fact, if I was sleeping on my good ear - I didn't hear the alarm.  I really didn't think much about it because I knew that hearing loss was a possibility but then some dizziness and balance issues.  I am scheduled for an MRI this Friday.  I seem to be fine when sitting but when standing or walking I notice the balance issues and sometimes the dizziness.  I have done a round of steriods... obviously they are concerned about swelling. The symptoms began to appear April 2012... I chose to ignore them but they progressed to where I am now Anyone experienced symptoms such as these post GK?


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Re: Question about Gamma Knife post-treatment symptoms?
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2012, 07:04:35 pm »
hello. I had two surgeries in 2011 and this year in April I have GK. Honestly I have had no abnormal symptoms at all but I know that they warned me about facial weakness and hydrocephalus. I hope that you figure out if the symptoms are normal for post GK or if the tumor hasn't been killed/stopped growing. I would call the doc who did your GK and see if he/she should see you.

Good luck!
5cm Right side:
    retrosig June 2011
    translab October 2011
    Gamma Knife April 2012
facial weakness (nerve preserved)
balance issues
complete right sided hearing loss