Hi ellieopp and welcome to this forum .....
I am not a doctor, but from my journey in the AN World it is my understanding that acoustic neuromas typically start growing on the vestibular portion of the auditory nerve that runs through the internal auditory canal (IAC) from the cochlea to the brain stem. The canal is longer than it is wide, hence the growing tumor expands within this confined space (larger ANs grow out of the canal and toward the brain stem, often taking on a mushroom-shaped appearance). The dimensions given by radiologists vary considerably. It is my understanding that the length of the AN is the measurement they watch the most closely.
The important thing for you is the fact that it is apparently not growing perceptibly. This is good news as it allows you to wait and watch. If your symptoms are essentially unchanging and MRIs demonstrate no growth, that is a good thing.
If it would make you feel better, you can always send copies of all of your MRI CDs and your audiograms to House Ear Clinic (see:
http://www.houseearclinic.com/consultation/acousticneuroma ) for a free consultation with no obligation to go there for treatment. Stanford University, UPMC (Pittsburgh, PA), and several other medical facilities around the country will do the same. I would strongly urge you to do that for your own peace of mind.
Best thoughts. Clarice