Yep I plan on doing the same for a while. They are all about service where I am at, so I am not sure how they will react to refusing the wash... we'll see haha
I see in your signature "finally getting some relief for chronic post-surgical headaches;" May I ask how you have accomplished this?
I think the salon should be ok with you washing your own hair before your appointment.
As for the headache relief...I went to a neurologist for the headaches. He prescribed Nortriptylene (sp?) aka Pamelor. I took it for about 10 months until I noticed it didn't make a difference anymore. Pamelor helped ease the frequency & intensity of the headaches. I was getting them anywhere from 5-7 times/wk before treatment. It didn't help that I developed a 3000-4000mg/day Tylenol habit. The neurologist told me that some of those headaches were rebound headaches from my dependency on Tylenol.
Within a few weeks of starting my headache treatment with the neurologist, I noticed improvement. Not only did I get off of Tylenol, but I was getting headaches 3-5 times/wk & they were not as debilitating.
I still keep Tylenol around, but limit my consumption of it. I first try to apply heat to the neck. this works most often. There are times, however, when I'm not home & cant just plug in my heating pad, recline, & wait for it to take effect.
I have also tried different topical treatments & have found a product by the name of Flanax to be quite effective when my pain is right at the surgery incision site or when I have a sore & tired neck. I recently began trying another home treatment--coffee with lemon juice. If you add honey, it's quite tasty. So far, it has helped.
Now, I go about 2-3 weeks without any headaches. Then there are times that I wake up with a headache in the wee hrs of the morning & this can happen 3 or 4 consecutive days. There are certain activities that I have found contribute to the headaches. Some are avoidable, others are not. But taking Tylenol is often a last resort.