This question came to me and I thought I'd ask if anyone else has this? (could be completely coincidental so don't mind me ok?)
On my An side I was told many years ago by my hair stylist that the hair on my head grew much more thickly there. So I would often have my hair thinned in order to have the so called right cut or look etc, lol ...
Please, I do know and am aware that many Aners couldn't care less about whether the growth of their hair on the An side is thicker or not.... there are plenty of other things to be focussed on.
But for an idle question I am wondering if I am the only one or some others out there have that too?
I am adding this: when one looks at the structure of a hair follicle and how it is "fed", (am thinking protein composition etc.), and how hair texture can change quickly never mind if the area is almost bald or dense, I got to thinking about hair. From that thought I wondered about a number of things re hair on ones head if one has an An. Yes i know they shave it for an An and yes i know some small bits can fall out from radiation and come back (htough rarely from that). What I am truly curious about is if on one's An side, hair before it was found, grew more thickly there on the head?