I had my AN removed on May 3rd. They thought the surgery (translabyrinth approach) woulod take at least 4 and a half hours......I wentin at noon. The next thing I remember after being put out was seeing a clock that read "4:45PM!!! My surgery took a bit over three hours. It was a text book surgical proceedure and the tumor popped out after being cut. They put a composite filling into the hole in my skull....kind of like a car being bondo'ed.
I didn't get out of bed until the 5th...I think having my balance affected prior to the surgery had already helped compensate in the total loss of my ledt balance nerve. BUT.....walking the first time was ....well, something more difficult than I thought. I did use a walker for that day and the next.....but by Friday night, I was using the walls and the bed to guide me.
I do have left sided facial paralysis BUT...they did nerve conduction tests during surgery and the first thing they told Jerry as I came out of surgery was that my facial nerves are totally intact....but there would be considerable swelling that may take a few weeks to months to subside. I use eyes drops ALOT and a moist and cool washcloth over my eyes at night helps to relieve the stress that build up from having my eye opened all the time. I can close that eye if I think had about it.....but it doesn't blink....that freaks some people out.....so I try to keep my right side towards people.
The incision is directly behind my left ear and is healing quite well....I did have drainage for two weeks but no infection or complications.
I had alot of waves of nausea but no vomiting...and have had dizziness...especially if I try to do too much.... I've taken Phenergan for the nausea and that helps...alot.
I went home the following Sunday on the 8th. I took a moist wash cloth in the car and that helped my eyes.....the ride home....90 miles, was fine for me. We stopped by the pharmacy and I felt better having someone to walk with....for reassurance!!
Other than this damned facial weakness....heck, paralysis since it won't move....my recovery has been really good. I drove for the first time on the 14th. I have been driving since but know when to go and when to stay home. I started back to work on a part time basis on May 19th....although I worked 7 hours both Thurs and Fri. I was really pooped Friday night and was exhausted Saturday....stayed in bed or close by most of the day. On Sunday I started having alot of dizziness and a bit of a headache....but that has subsided somewhat.
I have to pace myself when reading and especially on the computer as my eyes get tired. I have to be careful standing up too quickly or stooping down and coming back up again. I feel a bit unsure if I am walking in a large area and have to focus on where I am walking to help ease some vertigo....
Bottom line for me is that....so far....I have been very fortunate to have had a pretty uneventful post surgical time.
I have to shout kudo's to my surgeon. I know of people around here ( Northwest Oregon)who went to the House Ear Clinic in LA and both of them had complications. I went to Dr. R. Sterling Hodgson in Portland, Oregon. He has done over 400 of these surgeries and did a fantastic job.....The audologist who recommended him to me was the first person who told me I had inner ear hearing loss. I saw him on the 18th for follow up and all he did was prescribe something for sleep......up to that date, I hadn't slept more than three hours and was exhausted. I tried some Ambien but that made me see things that weren't there so I flushed them down the toilet. I am taking Elavil 10mg. at night and I feel so rested.
I have had some depression but I am having relationship problems on top of this so who can say if it is from the surgery.
Well, that's all for now.....I wish the best for all. Thanks for listening...