Dear cburley1,
I have had facial twitching that started 3 weeks out. I have just completed my fourth month out of GK with minor annoying facial twitching in my chin on my AN left side, above my lip, on the bridge of my nose and in my forehead. I have not had any facial twitching going on the right side of my face as this was not the area of my AN. But I will make you aware of any changes I feel in the future.
As you can tell by my history, I have had many more challenges in my life, this AN thing is nothing! Although it is not a small challenge to someone unfamiliar with brain events. The human brain is capable of adapting to change and is remarkable in its plasticity, I think. You can follow me in my posts on "MY Personal Gamma Knife Treatment Journal started on June 10, 2012" if you want. Most people find it helpful, I hope that you do too.
After all, it is thankfully for most of us benign! It likely poses challenges (which with a little practice can be adapted to). In 2004, when I heard that I had a benign tumor I mistakenly went on to another website that dealt mostly with metastises. I was shocked at what I found and consequently felt a little guilty at being so fortunate as to have a benign tumor. I stuck with that site and removed myself from it when I went into the Hospital in November of that year. That year I and my family had Thanksgiving dinner in NY Presbyterian Hospital never had my wife's Turkey tasted so good!!
Consequently, I didn't come on to this site until I felt I needed to in February of this year. There is a reason that I remain here and that is I think to give back all that I can in terms of advice to anybody that asks. I feel blessed that I can finally help!
I hope you don't continue to have the symptoms that you are experiencing certainly the symptoms should begin to fade after 9 months that's when the tumor begins to shrink.
Results are different for everyone.
Welcome to the ANA forum! You are in good company there are many of us here in our own individual journeys to wellness.