Author Topic: Still collecting my marbles  (Read 2717 times)


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Still collecting my marbles
« on: May 29, 2005, 12:50:45 am »
I had my translab (4.5 cm) done at HEI bckon Sept. 28, 2004.   They got most of the mass, but  the tumor had spread throughout my facial nerve, my optic nerve and C1 (they had to simply cut the blood supply on those).  I lost my hearing and balance nerver,loss of taste on left side, no tearing in the left eye nor do I ever have a runny nose on the left side! (Cuts down on kleenex, 'eh?) I did not suffer from any facial problems.

I did have a lot of work to do and still do ! LOL I had to retraining reading , writing and math skills (they were there, but it was like they were put on delay mode).  I still type wrong letters or omit things when I am speaking.  I am very forgetful.  I  interrupt just because if I dont say it ,it will be gone forever.   
 I am definatly depressed- I feel like a different person.  Before the tumor I was adventurous!  I was working on my MA in physical hnadicaps and now I am just now reading at a post grad level.   I am a Kindergarten teacher (still out on disability- I was rear ended back in Feb 2004 and that's when they found the tumor with all the other neck damage).

 I  feel that my personality differences are part of the tumor and part of the pain meds I am n due to the SEVERE pain I am in with my neck.  Looks like I am having neck surgery in July.

 Does any else have any similar experiences  feeling different personality wise or am I loos'n it?  Even my family notices the change.  So I know It 's "not all in my head" LOL!  Anyway, let me know if you are going through this at any level. 

 I'd like to think I'm not alone.  I've been so afraid to write since my geatest fear is that this is just the way it will be and the "old" me is gone.  I want my life back.  My kids need their mom back and my poor husband working 4 jobs and NEEDS his wife with a STEADY income AND emotial state back!

Help anyone?


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Re: Still collecting my marbles
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2005, 06:02:56 pm »
Mo, Go to Post treatment commentary on this site and you will find a line of correspondence on cognitive function. There are many of us with these issues (I almost called them "problems" ).

It seems to get better but slowly.
