I had my AN removed 3 years ago yesterday. It was 2.5 cm and encompassed the 4th thru 8th cranial nerves. Lost hearing and vestibular nerve on right side. I think I have been managing fairly well with the "new me". I also had BAHA surgery done a year ago this past April. Unfortunately it hasn't worked very well for me, but at least I tried.
I went in for my 3 year MRI and was told that there is no regrowth on the AN, but they found a small 10mm menengioma in the superior right lateral frontal lobe. I had the MRI done locally as my original surgeon is 4 hours away. I sent the report and film there. They called and told me to come a week earlier than my scheduled appointment. I saw another neurosurgeon, as my original neuro had moved back to Australia. (I loved him)
I asked the new guy about my new symptoms, and if they could all be from the AN. All his answers were "I don't know".
I also asked if a menengioma grows 1 to 2 mm a year, then why is mine 10mm? I was told, nothing to worry about, come back in 3 years for another MRI and if it grows we will just give you a one time "zap"! He then told me that if I wanted another opinion I could fly to Australia and see Dr. _____.
Does this sound right to ya'll? I have been pondering this for the past week, and I just don't know. I am not computer savy, and I have probably posted in the wrong place. I know the new one isn't an AN, so maybe I shouldn't be posting at all.... Thanks in advance for any advice.