Author Topic: 1 yr post op still not feeling functional  (Read 3254 times)


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1 yr post op still not feeling functional
« on: March 16, 2016, 11:53:20 am »
Hi all
I am one year out from retrosig to remove a 3.4 an. I was left with SSD, facial paralysis, headaches, dizziness and the wonky head (the usual right?). While I continue to improve, I am out of state disability and my neuro is balking at signing off on continuing it.  I really do not feel like I can work a full schedule. I lost my job two months after surgery and I don't see how I can honestly commit to taking another one. I am turning 60 this year and just don't know what to do from here.  I will probably move my son and family in with me to join financial forces.

My neuro is referring me to another neuro for evaluation. Doesn't really make sense but what else can I do?

Any  feedback from anyone in the same situation would be greatly appreciated.

Right AN 3.2cm 2-27-15
Retrosigmoid 3-9-15 6 hours
Facial nerve paralysis, dry eye, balance problems
Finding a new normal...


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Re: 1 yr post op still not feeling functional
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2016, 12:22:54 pm »
Im in the same boat as you. 1 year post surgery. Dont have dizziness, but i have SSD (witch i can handle)  but the headaches are killing me. I cant do nothing because of them. As soon as i get active they hit me. Dont have a job, lots of debts etc.
Only 28 and my AN was like 1.5 cm.
Im guessing i can live a normal life if i can get rid of the headaches (that's a big if). But right now im stuck in a moment and i cant get out of it (like that song). :)
I still hope it will get better. God help us all


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Re: 1 yr post op still not feeling functional
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2016, 11:45:44 am »
So I went to a new neurologist. He was very supportive and informed me that recovery can take 2-3 years and that having a large tumor pressing on my brain for so long just takes a while to heal. Much different that what my surgeon told me to expect. I got an 6 month extension on my disability and luckily have private insurance from my old job. I am going back for eval in Sept.  He did prescribe a new med for headaches but I haven't felt the need to try it yet. I am still good with tylenol or advil. I am now able to take half doses.

In the meantime, headaches, balance and dry eye are all improving. I am actually seeing light at the end of the tunnel. I highly recommend anyone in same situation get another opinion or see a neruo that specializes in headaches.  They know way more than surgeons whose focus in on removing the tumor.
Right AN 3.2cm 2-27-15
Retrosigmoid 3-9-15 6 hours
Facial nerve paralysis, dry eye, balance problems
Finding a new normal...


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Re: 1 yr post op still not feeling functional
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2016, 03:13:13 pm »
Dry eye was one of the worst symptoms for me. I found some relief with this product.

Thankfully, my eye started to blink after 2 months so the dry eye was tolerable. Now my eye leaks tears everyday. I will take the leaky eye any day!

Hope you get some relief.