Author Topic: pleased with new Transear  (Read 5904 times)


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pleased with new Transear
« on: October 04, 2012, 12:14:42 pm »

 I wanted to report on my experience with the Transear in case others are considering it. So far I am pleased. I've worn it for 9 days (using the same power one battery I received it with) and would give it a positive review. Like others who have commented on their experience, there was no "wow I can hear again moment" but rather the recognition that in more and more situations, my hearing is no longer a problem. Two years ago I was seen by an ENT for pulsatile tinnitus, but when my audiogram was perfect, the dr. did not order an MRI but said maybe the tinnitus would go away, and if it did, I did not need to return. The tinnitus went away, but this past June I lost all hearing in my ear in one day and after an MRI was subsequently diagnosed with an AN. Since then I have been miserable and lost in public, and exhausted from public outings, as I hear a tremendous din and see people's mouths moving, but can't tell what they are saying.

Since I got the transear last week, I have worn it while food shopping, at the mall, on line at a coffee shop/bagel store,  and in other public situations. I have purposely not made an effort to keep the cashier on my right side, or to lip read or anticipate someone saying "paper or plastic?" My most challenging issues--safety in parking lots, checking out at the supermarket, and hearing in noisy situations-- have been MUCH better. I am no longer apologizing for my lack of hearing, or asking people to repeat themselves, or getting panicky when I can't hear  a thing. I can hear on the telephone using my bad ear, although I wouldn't use it because it's not that comfortable holding the phone up to my ear with the transear in, and I listen with my other ear anyway. I can put down the window in my car and listen to the radio again and hear what is being said. 

It's not perfect. I haven't regained directionality yet. Music still sounds tinny, and it took a while to get used to how loud my voice sounds to me.  I keep it on the quiet setting and 2 and a half volume, using the "restaurant setting" for public situations.  And in very noisy situations or places with strange acoustics, I hear a whooshing noise when it's on the public setting, that gets better if I push on it with my finger. I'm thinking the audiologist may tweak that setting a little.  But I actually think I'm hearing better with it as time goes on. At first I didn't think the first setting did anything for me, but now I prefer it unless I really need the other one.   So, the other issue people ask about is comfort.  It's not hard to put in, and it hasn't hurt me at all (although I did have minor pain after the impression to make it was taken.) For the first five or so days, I did have to fight the urge to yank it out because it felt like I had a bug in my ear.  But now it really doesn't bother me at all. In short, I'm happy with it, and for those who decide against the BAHA or Soundbite, this may be a really workable option.

One other thing-- my insurance paid fifty percent as it is considered a hearing aid.

Hope this is useful to those who may be curious about the transear,


james e

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Re: pleased with new Transear
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2012, 12:49:57 pm »
Thanks for a well written review.



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Re: pleased with new Transear
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2012, 12:57:33 pm »
You're welcome!  It's nice to have some good news to share, and it has made a big difference for me in a short time. For those who don't mind wearing something in their ear, it's definitely worth checking out.


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Re: pleased with new Transear
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2012, 07:19:16 pm »
Hi Maxine

Thanks for the info on the TransEar.  I have been researching it and actually have an appointment with the Audiologist tomorrow to discuss getting one.  I know most people prefer the BAHA, but I just can't imagine having another surgery, even though I know it is nothing like my AN surgery.  You answered alot of questions that I had as I haven't read much about TransEar on this forum.  I'm just hoping my insurance will cover it, or at least some of it. I may have more questions after my appt tomorrow, so would love to discuss with you if you dont mind.

Thanks again
4mm AN diagnosed 8/2007.  Watch and wait for 5 years.  5/2012 grew to 7x4x4.
Mid Fossa 7/2012 at MD Anderson, Houston,Tx
SSD but still hoping it will return.


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Re: pleased with new Transear
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2012, 03:13:49 pm »
I'd be happy to talk about the Transear with you and I'll be interested to hear what you think about it.

 Just in case your audiologist hasn't told you this already, while you can try out a Transear once you've been fitted with one-- in my case I had to pay my share for it upfront but was told I would get a refund if I return it--you don't get to hear what it's like before deciding to try it out and taking the impression, because there is no test model that would fit you because each Transear is fit individually. 

I was a little worried after I had the impression, because that evening I had pain in between my ear  and my jaw and I worried that I wouldn't be able to use the Transear.  But that pain was only from making the impression.  I bought some miracle ear lubricant to bring with me when my Transear was ready in case I needed it, but it's really been painless. I find I am being bothered less and less by having something in my ear. I hope your experience is just as good!


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Re: pleased with new Transear
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2012, 06:32:10 pm »
Hi Maxine,
Well during my appointment, my ENT wanted me to try the BAHA just to get an idea what is was like.  As you stated, they don't have a trial for the TransEar.  I was completely amazed by the BAHA!  My Doc did not try to sway me either way, but told me that if I have sensitive ears, that the TransEar might bother me.  He explained the surgery for the BAHA and the fact that my insurance will not cover the TransEar but will cover the BAHA.  The surgery is not nearly as scary as I had long story short...I chose the BAHA.  I have a surgery date of Dec 3rd. He said if at any time I change my mind its not problem but wanted to get me on the schedule for this year as my deductibles are covered after my AN surgery.  Thanks for writing back!
4mm AN diagnosed 8/2007.  Watch and wait for 5 years.  5/2012 grew to 7x4x4.
Mid Fossa 7/2012 at MD Anderson, Houston,Tx
SSD but still hoping it will return.


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Re: pleased with new Transear
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2012, 06:41:36 pm »
That sounds great!  I did put the BAHA headband on and you are right, it is pretty amazing.  The Transear does not seem that powerful right away. I am someone who has always, even  before the AN, thought everything was way too loud. So my audiologist actually did  think the subtle effect of the Transear might be better for me, because she thought I might be overwhelmed by the BAHA.  I haven't totally ruled out the BAHA for the future but right now I'm happy with what I've got. 

Anyhow, best of luck with your surgery and BAHA, and let us know how it all works out,


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Re: pleased with new Transear
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2013, 11:51:57 am »
Hi guys. I had an acoustic neuroma the size of a baseball removed wayyyyyy back in 1995. I am now 47 yrs old, and have been living with SSD all this time. For a brief amount of time in the late 90's with one of those hokey radio transmitter things that simply sent the noise from the deaf side to the transmitter on the right side.  I used it in meetings, but it was poor quality.

I had no idea technology had come so far, and am interested in this Transear.  There is no way in hell I would electively decide to undergo surgery to help what is certainly a liveable condition.  My views on elective surgery completely changed when my best friend almost died on an operating table during a "routine" elective surgery because of a surgical accident. Since then, my belief is that unless it is something that really makes your life unbearable, I can live with it.  I don't want to be regretting an infection of bone especially in the skull.  Anyway, to each his own and Godspeed to anyone getting a surgical treatment.

Anyhow, that's my soapbox. But I want to know about Transear.  I miss out on so much going on around me.  I would love to hear again.  Can i get some reviews?