Dear Nan,
I echo Deb's entreaty. You are still healing, really!  I am over three years from surgery and still improving, if at times at an agonizingly slow pace.  At last I have more glimpses into the world as I used to know it.  Glimpses, I wrote, and mean it.  I have to keep reminding myself of my progress and I won't pretend it is not frustrating much of the time.  Certainly does help to know of progress beyond the one year mark.  And there are those who get back to work and on with their lives; it's just that we are not they. ÂÂ
Just so you know: I drove again after six months, again at night after two and a half years. That was last November 15th, I remember it distinctly, because for the first time I didn't look for a ride but felt I could manage driving and parking after dark.
            I read a whole book again after over two years.  I have experienced improvement in my vision out of AN side eye, but still find this pre-posting screen most difficult to see.
So, Dizzy Diva, just a couple of examples to encourage you, to hold out renewed hope that more healing can take place even after the predicted time frame has elapsed.Not to pretend the slow pace is welcome but to remind you that at least it can happen.
Keep us posted,