I was diagnosed with an acoustic neuroma (29x26x24mm), compressing the stem, in 2009 and operated in 2010. The surgeon (who apparently wasn’t very experienced) informed me after the operation that he had been unable to remove the whole of the tumor because of heavy bleeding, and also because the sensor for the facial nerve had started responding. The first MRI 3 months later showed a leftover tumor of the size of 13x13x16.
One year after the operation the tumor grew again to more or less the size it was before the operation (6.3 ccm) and urgent action was needed. Because of the reported difficulties of the operation, I decided to get a gamma-knife (gk) treatment (radiation dose of 13 Gy). Six months after the gk, the neuroma had swollen (or grown) to a size of 10.74 ccm. Nine (9) months later it was 9.07 ccm. At that time the center of the tumor stopped absorbing the contrast agent. Twelve months (12) later, the size was further reduced to 7.31 ccm, and even less contrast agent was being absorbed indicating necrosis of the tumor. Twenty four (24) months after the gk treatment (which is now), the MRI revealed a heavily grown neuroma, absorbing the contrast agent, and slightly bigger than at the time of the gk treatment.
Again, urgent action is needed. The tumor is too big for another gk treatment so the doctors of the gk centre advised me to have a second operation. I understand that an operation on a tumor that has been already operated and treated with a gk is quite a risk. I apparently will go to a center of excellence, this time. Still: does anybody have a similar experience? What do you suggest to do? I am a woman, 44 years old, and I live in germany.