Author Topic: Chels @ 10 weeks  (Read 3551 times)


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Chels @ 10 weeks
« on: August 26, 2006, 05:10:19 pm »
Hello Everyone,

Well,  here we are 10 weeks after Chelsea was admitted to the hospital and we are STILL here.  She went home for a couple of days on the 11th of Aug. and returned on Friday the 14.  The shunt failed and a new one was installed on the 16th.  She came out of surgery vomiting and had terrible head pain which continued for the next 11 day until Thur Aug. 24th.  She had nothing to eat (G-tube feeding) for over a week because she could not stop vomiting and heaving.  The GI docs came to rule out any problems there.  Finally the Neuro team externalized the 2nd shunt to make sure that there wasn't a blockage and after 36 hours there was no improvement.  Thur. morning they told us that they had come to the conclusion that the residule tumor was the cause of her problem of pain and vomiting.  I couldn't accept that this was what here future was going to be.  I felt that this was due to something else.  My idea was that she might be reacting to all the drugs that they were giving her to try to control the symptoms as these drugs have the standard side effects of headaches, nausea, and vomiting.  The senior resident said they would check into this possibility.  Instead of waiting any longer for them to go through the channels and discussions with the neuro-surgeon, I went over to her neuro-surgeons office and told my thoughts to Dr. Beckers nurse.  She said she has had extreme reactions to certain drugs and that she also felt that this could be the problem.  After she called Dr. Becker he discontinued all her meds except Tylenol and 12.5 mg of Phenagren (1/4 the reg dose) for nausea.  Within hours she began to improve.  It has now been 48 hours and she has had no pain, nausea, or vomiting.  They think she is just very sensitive to most drugs and will have to be careful of what she is given. 

She now goes back into surgery on Mon. Aug 28 to have the shunt tubing interalized.  If all goes well we hope to be able to go home by Thurs.  Dr. B has decided to go ahead and have her radiation started as soon as possible as he wants to try to reduce or at least stop the growth of what was left of the tumor.  She will come back for an appointment to have a face mask made and the following week start the treatments.  There will be 30 treatments over a 6 week period.  She and I will stay at the hotel across the street Mon-Fri during this time and go home on the weekends.  They will set up her home therapy (PT, OT, and SP) to be done there at the hotel.  The hotel is connected to the UCLA hospital which makes it very conveinent for us.
We are keeping our fingers crossed and looking forward getting home for at least a week before she starts the treatments.

Just thought I'd send out this update.  Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers.


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Re: Chels @ 10 weeks
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2006, 06:51:06 pm »

I really hope she gets to go home this week. I am glad to hear she is doing better and hopefully she is on her way to recovery. I know I vommited numerous times when I first came home from the hospital because the drugs were too much for my body, thank god for phenagren. Please keep us posted. My prayer goes out to her on the 28th that all goes well.

2.0 cm tumor removed suboccipital on 07-20-06
Left side facial paralysis and deaf ear. Just now researching hearing aid after 6 years!


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Re: Chels @ 10 weeks
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2006, 07:28:20 pm »
You guys have certainly been in my thoughts and prayers and will remain there.I am so glad you finally see a break in all this pain and sufferung for Chelsea.I praise God you have been by her side and helped in finding the problem.Thank you so much for keeping us posted.
Take care,


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Re: Chels @ 10 weeks
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2006, 11:55:12 am »
You are certainly in our thoughts and prayers.  I have been there and I know there are times when you, as a mother need to go in and tell the doctors and nurses what YOU think is going on.  It happened to us too.  You know your child better than any of those doctors or nurses.  You know when something isn't right and when she isn't acting normally.  You have great courage for going to those doctors and demanding that they stop the medications. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU FOR YOUR COURAGE.  I know that I did it too and I didn't care what they thought.  What would they do if it was their child ?   My demanding nature saved his life one night !

I know it's hard right now but believe me, she is going to be fine.  Chris spent 60 days in the hospital  and mostly in Neuro-Intensive Care.  His shunt failed, his drain was accidently pulled out, he had two infections, he had 5 surgeries (two surgeries to get the tumor- 8 hours and 16 hours), he had minor surgery for a gold weight implant.  Today he is walking unassisted and networking with his friends.  He is still going to rehab and needs anastomosis.  I hope you get to go home Thursday.  She will come back fast once she is out of there.  Hang in there...thinking of you ....

Captain Deb

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Re: Chels @ 10 weeks
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2006, 12:04:25 pm »
What an ordeal for both of you incredible Moms and tough-as-nails kids for a "benign" tumor! I wish they'd quit calling these things benign. Non-cancerous, maybe, but certainly not benign.  Best of Luck to Chris, Chelsea, and both of you.
Capt Deb
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
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Re: Chels @ 10 weeks
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2006, 02:03:55 pm »
I, too, was wondering how the "kids" were doing.  Wow.  What a story. "What I did over my summer vacation" has a whole new meaning for Chelsea and Chris.  Good for you for putting up a fight for your daughter!!  That's what parents are for.  Nothing can replace Motherly Instinct..  I certainly hope it is all going to be smooth sailing for our Wenchette from now on. And I agree with Cap't Deb.  I also thought that benign didn't quite cover the consequenses for some people who get AN's. Nothing benign about what happened to Chelsea and Chris. Will she have to take a year off from school?  Or just miss a semester?  I'm sure that's disappointing to her.  But perhaps necessary for her to heal.  Thanks for the update, because I know I think about Chelsea and Chris often and hope that they are doing okay. Our thoughts and prayers are surely with you and your family.   :)
Sue in Vancouver, USA
 2 cm Left side
Diagnosed 3/13/06 GK 4-18-06
Gamma Knife Center of Oregon
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Re: Chels @ 10 weeks
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2006, 08:14:23 pm »
Dear Chels Mom,

I feel bad how your daughter has suffered.  You are such a good MOM for her.  I want you to know that it makes no sense to me how these kind of conclusions can be made concerning your  daughter.  How could you know that what the doctors were telling you was wrong and what she only needed to stop taking the meds that THEY  prescribed??

This is a huge issue with me.......Since the day I went into the ER and they told me I had a tumor in my brain and "it wasn't good', Doctors have told me things that were not true.  The ER doctor decided to tell me and my husband, in private, that  he thought my outcome would be bad.  His ego and ignorance caused much unessecery grief.  The bad news for me was that human error continued to cause bad outcomes......

Continue to question things , unfortunatly it makes a big difference.....

Thinking of you


17 mm AN removed 1-16-06
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Re: Chels @ 10 weeks
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2006, 08:54:30 pm »
She and you are so brave.  She will come through this, and so will you.

Thanks for keeping us updated.  I feel so for the young here, but they have what it takes to get so strong when it's over...
1.7cm x 1.4cm x .8cm, right ear
Trans-lab approach
Dr. Jay Rubinstein, U of WA