my facial surgery was a year ago this month. Within five months after my surgery, I had noticed some movement on my left side. They take a nerve from the tongue and "rewire" (which is how it was explained to me), to another nerve. So, I kind of have a half smile, butwhen I move my tongue up to my palate, I get more pull on that side. It's almost second nature to me now, sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing that. I was also told that it would take 1-2 years, before I would have complete tone, all depends on how fast that nerve travels to where it has to go (again, from what my doctors explained to me). I have gotten great results with the anastomosis surgery. I never lost any taste on my surgery side. I had my surgery done three months after my AN removal.
If you have anymore questions feel free to ask, I will do my best and answer them.