Author Topic: Alternative Treatment Supplements for Radiation...  (Read 2244 times)


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Alternative Treatment Supplements for Radiation...
« on: August 29, 2006, 07:20:41 am »
Hello all,

Although I anticipate having CK in a few weeks, I went to a Chinese Docter yesterday that had some interesting feedback.  Without telling her my condition, she targeted in on tumor/brain related issues immediately after feeling my pulse.  She did some treatment with acupuncture and I think tui na (sp), and had me concentrate on tumour shrinkage.

Anyway, she prescibed for me taking wheat grass (starting out 1/2 ounce up to 2) and lots of vitamin C to assist in my body in recovery from radiation. 

Said it would have been better to be in my body for a month or so prior to treatment...and I anticipate some other herb presciption from her todayto help shrinkage too.  I mentioned that I'd heard green tea (with anti oxidantes) wasn't good for one having rads...which I don't recall her responding as I already told her I wasn't drinking it after talking with my radiation oncologist about it.

22mm x 19mm x 12mm CyberKnife  9/25/2006 BNI Dr. Daspit/Dr. Smith/Dr. Brachman
Failed radiation - regrowth to 2.6cm 
Translab Surgery w/ House Docs 8/26/2009 Dr. Friedman, Dr. Schwartz, SSD, tinnitus. 
Baha surgery with Dr. Baker in OKC nov 2009
Baha revision surgery by Dr. Horn in ABQ 8/2011