Author Topic: Neurontin  (Read 1911 times)


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« on: April 11, 2013, 10:53:04 pm »
Hi folks,
     I've been taking Neurontin (gabapentin) for about a year now.  Was first prescribed it before the MRI which discovered my tumor, I think because the doc originally thought I had Trigeminal Neuralgia because of my facial pain.  Went off it for a little while after my surgery in late August (Translab to remove 2.5 cm AN) but the pain came back with a vengence so restarted again.  But I have never adapted to the fatigue.  My sleep sked is totally jacked up,meaning I essentially only nap and am chronically exhausted.  Get up at 0600 and take the med at 0630, power through with coffee, take the med at 1430 and have to nap for a few hours after, take the med again at 2200 but took a two/three hour nap in the afternoon so not tired until I force myself to go to bed at 2400, etc.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  My sked was flexible today so I have had the opportunity to sleep more than normal.  I have had at least 11 hours of sleep in the past 24 hours and am still completely exhausted. Recently I have started to have continual calf cramps and now I have significant body aches--like you have with the flu but no fever, no chills.  No reason to assume these symptoms are from the Neurontin but not sure.  I have an appointment with my surgeons later in the month to, among other things, change my meds.  But just wondering what other folks experiences have been with Neurontin and what else they may have taken for facial pain.


Ellen K

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Re: Neurontin
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2013, 11:58:59 am »
Hi Meg,
I've seen others reporting their use of Neurontin here, particularly for facial pain - which you can find by using the search box.  I took Neurontin maybe 7 years ago, well before my AN symptoms started, for what was suspected trigeminal neuralgia - severe tooth and jaw pain over several months.  The Neurontin was unbearable for me - I could barely walk and was really out of it and exhausted, as you said.   But I only took it for a short while so my body never got a chance to adapt to it.
It turned out I did not have trigeminal neuralgia, but a misalignment in my neck.  A couple sessions with an expert massage therapist and I was fine!  It was a bizarre experience, but gave me true admiration for folks who rely on Neurontin.
All the best to you,
3mm diagnosed December 2010 when I was 45. Very unusual presentation - severe vertigo, then dizziness daily, now just occasional dizziness, but it can be debilitating some days. No hearing loss! But yes to ear fullness and wonky brain. Watch and wait.