Author Topic: Keeping you up to date  (Read 2228 times)


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Keeping you up to date
« on: April 30, 2013, 07:26:50 pm »
I called my husband's doctor office this afternoon to see if they got the MRI results yet but they didn't.... I am hoping that is a good sign. If there was something very wrong they would have contacted the doctor right away I am thinking.  Anyway this waiting is just misery.  Hopefully tomorrow I will have heard from the doctor.  I don't want to be too pushy and call again.... I'll wait till Thursday.  Truthfully this is waiting for patients is cruel.... I call it the the "Hurry Up and Wait Game"   they rush you in for the appointment/tests but leave you hanging for the results.....

Again thanks for all the kind words and encouragement.  Ellen