Hi Jamie
I thought I was the only one who had an issue with sutures. I didn't know they were sutures when it first started bothering me. A few months after my surgery, my head started hurting in different locations other than the incision site. I was constantly touching my head and noticed different lumps and bumps. At one point, I could see something gray sticking out too. My daughter kept an eye on it each day. It was really bothering me and I thought they just left some sutures in by mistake. So I went to my family doc and he called a neurosurgeon. He flat out told me to stop touching the suture sites or I'll most likely end up with a bad infection. It was hard not touching it after that. Over time, I developed a bad habit of running my hand across my scar, lumps etc. And each time, I'd mess with the sutures that were so close to the surface. Eventually, the sutures weren't as noticeable and I quit touching them. Now they don't even come up and I rarely think about them.
I hope you find some relief too.