Author Topic: Skull Base Institute / Dr Shahinian / los angeles, california  (Read 3527 times)


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ok guys... if you all want a day-by-day account here it is.  While my husband and I were going through this major decision & surgery, I kept a journal.  Since we live in GA and our family is spread across the southeast, we decided to update this website daily to keep eveyone updated.  I have just made the decision (and been emotionally able) to share this with all of you.  Feel free to read our journals and follow us as we walk through our decisions and surgery.
click on "visit patient page"
last name: rabun
password: 1horse

I hope this helps to shed some light and help you through this very difficult time.  God Bless.

Eron & Drew
-3cm acoustic neuroma "size of an egg"
-pressing on the brain stem
-50/50 chance of severe side effect with "traditional surgery"
-chose "endoscopic procedure" by Dr Shahinian in Los Angeles, CA instead of traditional one
-wouldn't change ANYTHING!
-results are amazing!!!


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Re: Skull Base Institute / Dr Shahinian / los angeles, california
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2006, 12:58:44 pm »
Eron and Drew - thanks for sharing. I'm still in a watch and wait but have pretty much decided that when it comes time I want one of two places and the SBI is one of them. I have not yet completed reading all your posts on the site but will - thanks again. I know it must be difficult to share but I'm glad you did!

Diagnosed August 17, 2006
AN on right side 1cm x 7mm x 7mm
30% hearing loss with no other symptoms
Watching and Waiting
It's mind over "matter"... even if the "matter" is in my mind