Author Topic: Anyone Suffer Cushing's Syndrome Due to Steroids?  (Read 2732 times)


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Anyone Suffer Cushing's Syndrome Due to Steroids?
« on: March 29, 2013, 05:13:07 pm »

I'm nine-months post op and still struggling with Cushing's Syndrome due to the massive doses of steroids I received. Oddly enough, my surgery was a total success. They got 100% of the tumor, and I suffered NO hearing or facial loss! I felt I won the lottery until 1 month post op when I developed clinical meningitis. CFS leak led to two spinal taps. I was in and out of the hospital many, many times. And, to top it off, I've had a 60 pound weight gain due to Cushing's, continued dizziness, vertigo and terrible fatigue.

I can't tell if the fatigue is from the 9 hour surgery or because of Cushing's. Did anyone else have any of these issues?

Finally, I get a terrible headache when I bend over or sleep on too long on the surgery side of my head. The tumor side of my head swells up (where the scar tissue is) and I get a massive headache when I sleep. I started acupuncture and it seems to help a little. The headache also causes my ear to ache and "burn". Very weird. Perhaps this is because of the nerves coming back to life?

Did anyone else have some or all of these issues? How long did it last? Is there anything I can do to make it better?



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Re: Anyone Suffer Cushing's Syndrome Due to Steroids?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2013, 02:27:57 pm »
hello,  my daughter had an 18 hour surgery for brain removal.  WAs sent home from the hospital 3 days later.  Started to leak the next day,  but the doctor on call never called her back.  By the 3rd day home  she woke up with the worst headache,  went straight to the emergency room,  and within an hour had a high fever,  stiff neck,  and she had bacterial meningitis.  They did a second surgery, to go in repair the leak,  clean up the area,  and take a culture.  It came back as strep.  I think I read you had strep,  I was curious if  you got  Cushings Syndrome after meningitis are before?  thanks so much