Author Topic: Anyone else wish "wonky feeling" for just one day on their "specialist"  (Read 2839 times)


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Good news, repeat MRI showed no growth on 2-3mm AN, not too surprising since last scan was 3 months ago! 

Horrible appointment with neurotologist, without directing stating that I am crazy, he got his point across, that I was a waste of his time, and NONE of my symptoms are related to this "incidental finding" on MRI.

I am thankful that I do not have the constant vertigo that started this whole ordeal 6 months ago but I have not been able to escape this persistent imbalance, swaying sensation that worsens with certain body positions or movements.

I have spent hours practicing vestibular rehab techniques to improving my functioning and balance and have mastered some skills with eyes open but still struggle to perform tasks with eyes closed. 

Am I the only one that finds walking and maintaining balance mentally fatiguing? Or unable to multi-task while walking and rely on a stationary object to focus on?  The look on the Dr. face and casual nod, bewildered look, needed no words to convey what he was thinking as I was trying to explain symptoms.   

Sorry, just needed to vent.   


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Tomo, Great news that your AN hasn't grown! Unfortunately, we seem to have had a similar experience with neurotologists this week. You are not alone in your feelings of finding every day tasks exhausting. Our brains now have to work harder to compensate for the broken vestibular system. And, YES I would wish a day in my shoes to experience what we go through! Check the website, they have some good resources that validate our symptoms and good luck finding a more compassionate doctor.
AN 18x19 mm
3 meningiomas
AN treated with SRS April 2013
MRI Feb 2016 AN shrunk to 17 x 8 mm :)
Constant tinnitus in AN ear
Severe hearing loss AN ear


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Thank you for your response...sorry we had similar experience too :-[ I have widened my gait on purpose, requires much less focus and I stumble less and reduce chance of falling. Guess I figured I would rather people think I walk weird than assume I am a drunk. Lol. I practice heel to toe walking at home and focus straight ahead, Gotten pretty good at it! However, this Dr had me doing high knee marching in place. Omg, I couldn't do three knee lifts without falling and feeling ill, so therefore he inferred that I was faking it. I like my neurosurgeon and am agreeable to re-scanning in 6 months and re-evaluating symptoms.

Thanks again for your response!

I will definitely check out the website ;D


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Was he having you march in place with your eyes closed as one of his tests? It's called the Fukuda Stepping Test and folks like us with a lesion on the vestibular nerve will turn towards the side of the lesion when marching in place with eyes closed. I know this because I've done tons of reading on vestibular testing. I don't get nausea from it, but the first time I did it I was shocked because when I opened my eyes I had turned almost 180 degrees to my right!
AN 18x19 mm
3 meningiomas
AN treated with SRS April 2013
MRI Feb 2016 AN shrunk to 17 x 8 mm :)
Constant tinnitus in AN ear
Severe hearing loss AN ear


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Yes, that is exactly what he asked me to do. I couldn't do it at all and it was very frustrating. My legs wouldn't do what I wanted. Kinda have a type A personality and do not like to fail any test. I have spent many hours practicing heel-toe walking and balancing on one foot. I used be a gymnast and balance beam was my strongest event. It was a personal quest to relearn this and as long as I keep eyes focused on stationary object, I do very well now :) I am working on improving balance with eyes closed, haven't been successful yet but, I will master it. I can't remember if I was veering in one particular direction, just know that by 3 or 4 steps I would loose balance. I think that may have been the point when the neurotologist demeanor changed and made me feel like I was attention seeking/ psych patient...errrrr