Author Topic: tears?  (Read 3257 times)


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« on: March 25, 2014, 02:20:49 pm »
Sorry to keep asking this- but- it just won't leave my mind.
I have had constant water-filled eyes (tears) for the last week- everyday.  I also have this "pressure" feeling in my cheekbone under my eye.
Is this a good thing?????  it has been 8 years ( this July) since I had my tumor removed.
My eye was totally dry for 6 years and then on and off wetness/tears maybe a few times a year- now daily for a week now.
I have anxiety and of course I am thinking it must be the tumor returning and this is a bad thing.
My husband things its a good sign- anyone????
please help ease my mind :)
3cm leftsided an
surgery scheduled 6-29-06
charlotte nc
**complete resection of tumor, total left side facial paralysis,total hearing loss**


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Re: tears?
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2014, 04:23:32 pm »
May sound silly,, but do you think it could be related to sinus or allergies ?? It is that time of year for flowers /trees to bloom,,,

I also have facial paralysis and recently had Botox treatments on "bad" eyelid area,, it caused excessive tears for several a days but back to normal now,, but I have never had excessive dry eye,, just use drops occasionally ,,, I know this is a different situation than yours, I just was thinking maybe allergies,,,, maybe you could ask your Dr what he thinks,, I agree with your husband though ,,probably more of a good thing than bad,, just my thoughts,,,let us know,,,  Jane
translab Oct 27, 2011
facial nerve graft Oct 31,2011, eyelid weight removed Oct 2013, eye closes well

BAHA surgery Oct. 2014, activated Dec. 26


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Re: tears?
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2014, 05:36:52 pm »
I had complete dry eye for almost a year post-op.  When the tears began to return, it was intermittent, and gradually became more regular, to the point where it now tears almost constantly.  However, the eye has not recovered its ability to drain the tears.  The way it was explained to me, normal tearing is actually two separate functions -- delivering the tears to the eye, and evacuating the tears from the eye. Both are controlled by muscles, which in turn are controlled by branches of the same cranial nerve.  So what happens is the first function (making tears) returns before the second (draining), causing the tears to pool in the eye.  So I'm constantly wiping that eye.  Sometimes it spills over before I can wipe it and it looks like I'm crying out of one eye.  That can be really entertaining at work :)

I also have sinus issues, and the fullness under the cheekbone you describe sounds like classic sinus / allergy congestion.

I agree with your husband, the fact that your eye is now tearing after so long is likely a good thing.  Hope this helps somewhat.  It can be scary when things start changing, and getting a clear answer from the docs can take time -- there are a lot of interrelated parts at work here, and it's hard to find someone experienced in all facets of AN..  Please feel free to message me if you'd like to compare notes further.  Noticed you're in Charlotte -- I'm in upstate SC.
3.0cm AN diagnosed 08/11, age 47
surgery 09/11, Dr. Patel (MUSC), 95% removed
SSD with tinnitus, right side facial paralysis, vision and balance issues
facial movement much improved, and still returning after 3yrs
"We are better than we think, and not quite what we want to be."  Nikki Giovanni