Hi all,
I thought my post might help some that are considering these procedures after their AN removal.
I had my AN removed the end of last October 2012. I am almost 9 mo. out now. After my surgery, my eyelid would not close well. I endured painful dry eye and tried everything. I taped, eye-dropped, saran wrapped, eye exercises, all to no avail. I finally went to Specialist and he recommended the procedures to help with the closing of my eyelid. I was very upset, as you can well imagine, I did not want another operation but I could not see well either - my vision was blurry. I decided to wait it out, and with the help of my Ophthalmologist we treated my eye with 2x daily antibiotic, I continued the eye drops, and kept taping at night. My eye doctor checked me once a month to make sure my eye was not getting any worse. Slowly it started to improve. I did not need to do the drops every hour, I stopped taping at night and then last week I noticed I could close my lid almost all the way. There is a new development though. Now my eye lid is a tiny bit droopy when I make certain expressions, like pursing my lips. My doctor said this can happen and it is the muscles working against each other and the lid may get stronger but it may be permanent - only time will tell. If I had gotten the gold weight, my eyelid would be VERY droopy now.
I am so happy I waited it out. If the droopiness continues, I will look into botox as an option.
So my advice to anyone considering this eye procedure, if you are early on in your recovery, please be patient. Things do change.
Best wishes to everyone !