Author Topic: 6 weeks post op today  (Read 4343 times)


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6 weeks post op today
« on: January 14, 2014, 05:45:15 am »
Today has been six weeks since my husbands 3cm AN removal. Boy what a ride.
We met the neurologist Friday for our first appointment after surgery. He was pretty pleased with his balance and walking. He has been lifted of restrictions and we can work on driving now.
He does have a squishy area, the size of my fist, at his incision spot. I asked the neurologist and he said that it could be fluid build up and is normal. nothing is leaking from the incision or his nose. I guess my question is has anyone else had something like this and does it go away. I know yesterday it was a lot squishier. I am a worry wart! He had a subconjunctival hemorrhage in his other eye last night so of course worry wart me has set in. I will more than likely be calling the nurse today to just make sure all is okay.

He has had no improvement with the facial paralysis on the left side. I believe....and this is a stretch...that he may be able to blink his eye a little better in the mornings than he can in the afternoon. It's almost like his face gets tired in the afternoon. It still feels numb but at times he says it feels swollen. I am sure any feeling is a good thing. We had hoped for a small sign that it was coming back by now but I'm really not sure what to look for. The surgeon mentioned nerve surgery (although the nerve was intact and was responding to stimulation) but I asked my husband to wait at least a year since I have read here that so many see results after 6 months, etc.

We are going next week to the ophthalmologist to have a temporary weight put on his eyelid. We did not want to go ahead with the gold weight just yet....still hoping for some natural results and he did not want to do another procedure just yet. So crossing fingers this temp fix will give him some eye relief.

He is talking better in the mornings. by afternoon his voice is rough again. The vocal cords, we found out, are paralyzed too but this is getting better each day.

The hearing loss doesn't even bother him. funny. That is what he was most worried about. He likes to roll over in bed on his good ear and drown out all the noise to sleep. His balance is better than we thought too. He has learned real quickly to move slow. Every once in a while he stumbles but again...not near like we thought it would be. I guess his biggest hurdle is his face. That he does not like.

We go back in March to see the Neurosurgeon again and an MRI. Next week is physical therapy and to see the ENT surgeon. Overall.....I feel he is doing so good.
Thanks for listening.
3 cm AN removed 12.3.13 - 12 hours in surgery
Emory Healthcare Midtown Atlanta
Left Side facial paralysis - intact facial nerve
1.31.14 - Gold weight implant and tarsal flap
2.17.14 RETURNED to work :)
10.6.14 - 10 month MRI shows stable

Jim Scott

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Re: 6 weeks post op today
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2014, 09:49:41 am »
Hi, Becky ~

Thanks for that comprehensive six-week update on your husbands recovery from AN surgery.  It has been a bumpy ride for you folks!

My non-physicians opinion is that the incision site will heal naturally.  I had a similar experience with my incision but it healed normally.  The main thing for both of you to remember is that when it comes to healing, time is definitely on your side.

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.

Mary More

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Re: 6 weeks post op today
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2014, 10:50:53 pm »
Hi Becky,
I am eleven weeks post-op. Like your husband my hearing loss doesn't bother me much nor the balance issues. I am recovering well. I had that squishiness as well, it does go away slowly but he will notice that his scalp around the incision will feel thick, tight and numb. I had the retrosigmoid approach and my scalp feels thick,tight and numb from my ear to the incision but not past ( how strange) also my right ear (AN side), still sticks out more, I guess things are still swollen. I wonder for how long. Also the incision healed very well and quickly, only to start bleeding a little and stabbing over two months after the surgery.

Like him, I too had my facial nerve intact and monitored during surgery and responded very well to stimulation only to become paralyzed. This is also my biggest challenge. I did see an ophthalmologist about my inability to close my eye two weeks post op and at the time my eye had no protection it wouldn't eve roll up (Bells phenomenon) so a gold weight and a few stitches at the outer corner of my eye was highly recommended. But then my eye started to roll up and started to blink a little along with the other eye and if I looked down the lid would. Follow but I still can't make it close. But I decided to wait a little longer before putting in the gold weight. See if things improve on their own. I too don't want to do another procedure. I hate having to deal with facial paralysis and I check every day for improvement. I video my face once a week to check fore subtle changes, and there are. I never thought I'd be looking eagerly for wrinkles on my forehead, and be so happy when I see an ever so tiny dimple being formed. And if I raise my none AN eyebrow the corner my AN eyebrow at the inner corner slightly raises as well. Oh joy :) ;D :D. Well my mouth still hasn't changed, eating and drinking is a challenge, even exhausting, but at least it I can swallow without having to drink water with every bite because it doesn't hurt to swallow anymore. We have to rejoice in tiny improvements that will bring us to who we were before this ordeal.

tell you husband to be patient and stay positive  ( I keep telling myself too) nerves are very slow at healing.  I read in you other post that your husband was so discouraged that he wished he hadn't done the surgery. I too felt this way, especially early on. My husband asked me a day or two after the surgery if I would do it again, and my answer was a definite NO. It was too much to bear and at times I wondered if it was worth losing the tumour being stuck with facial paralysis. But things did improve ( minus my face) and although I get discouraged at times my answer is a resounding YES I would do it again. I have a wonderful husband two beautiful girls although one is an adults and other a teenager they still need me. My tumour grew from 2.6 to 4.3 cm in two and a half months so if it had not been removed things would have gotten really nasty real quick. After eleven and a half hour surgery The surgeons couldn't remove the whole thing without severing the nerve, so they left some behind. I will have to do radiation but the neurosurgeon wants to wait at least six months in order for the facial nerve to heal because radiation can permanently damage the weak nerve.
Try to keep him motivated. We can't let this tumour dictate our lives, I refuse to give in, will try to live my life as if it never existed. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger.


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Re: 6 weeks post op today
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2014, 10:55:53 pm »
Becky--I have been wondering how your husband is doing, so thank you for the update. Even a little progress for him (and Mary) I take as a positive sign.


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Re: 6 weeks post op today
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2014, 07:30:44 pm »
It was six months before I saw ANY movement post-op.  my "resting" face now presents as normal and my smile, while not "mine" and I hate it, is good enough that people don't always notice, although some do wonder if I had a mild stroke.  it is still early in recovery, so all he is experiencing is a very good sign!

He is so lucky to have you...make sure you are getting your hugs as well.
Very large AN removed Aug., 1988 - pushed cerebellum aside, touching brain stem
Dr. Wiet in Hinsdale did 12 hour surgery, got it all
Total right-side facial paralysis for 6 months, 50 - 75% return
Extreme dry eye and tinnitus in both ears
Lost all hearing in AN ear
1/8/14  AN Regrowth confirmed


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Re: 6 weeks post op today
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2014, 06:06:04 am »
small update. He had some swelling at the incision site. I sent the neuro pictures. They have said he has a CSF leak but are not worried about it at this time. It's about a goose egg size swollen area. We are just watching for any fevers, warm to the touch or any abnormal neurological issues.

He has had a few episodes of weird balance issues that he hasn't experienced before.

So for now...just watching him like a hawk :)
3 cm AN removed 12.3.13 - 12 hours in surgery
Emory Healthcare Midtown Atlanta
Left Side facial paralysis - intact facial nerve
1.31.14 - Gold weight implant and tarsal flap
2.17.14 RETURNED to work :)
10.6.14 - 10 month MRI shows stable


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Re: 6 weeks post op today
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2014, 05:24:17 am »
we had a visit with the ophthalmologist yesterday. He is not scheduled for a Gold Weight Implant next Friday.
We were really hoping to not have to choose this route but his vision has went from 20/40 to 20/150 in that eye. No matter how hard we have tried to keep it lubricated.
But it is what it is and just a part of our "new Normal".

3 cm AN removed 12.3.13 - 12 hours in surgery
Emory Healthcare Midtown Atlanta
Left Side facial paralysis - intact facial nerve
1.31.14 - Gold weight implant and tarsal flap
2.17.14 RETURNED to work :)
10.6.14 - 10 month MRI shows stable


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Re: 6 weeks post op today
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2014, 10:07:31 pm »
Becky--Thanks for the update.  I hope his CFS leak has resolved itself, and I hope the gold weight implant quickly resolves his vision problems.  I hope all else is well and perhaps a little better?


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Re: 6 weeks post op today
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2014, 10:16:23 pm »
Becky, Make sure you do a little something nice for yourself every day! It will help you to continue to be so supportive to him. Karen