I am newly diagnosed with a 9.4 x 12.6 x 10 mm AN. I had my MRI done last week 5-Nov-2013 and requested my results on disc. Within a very short period of time I was able to see and roughly measure with the software they provided. At that point in time I began my research and I am very appreciative of the existence of ANA and this website. I have spent numerous hours on here and I am sure I will spend many more as I begin this journey.
On 7-Nov I received the official call from my ENT nurse, she just stated that I have benign tumor in my ear and that the Dr would like to see me to discuss the results. I have an appointment on Tuesday 12-Nov. On 8 Nov I received the official reading of the MRI from my family Dr. which states " 9.4 x 12.6 x 10 mm enhancing left acoustic schwannoma which abuts but does not deform the left cerebellopontine angle. Right internal auditory canal is normal."
My current symptoms are, Tinnitus, hearing loss in left ear, fullness in ear, pain at times in the ear. I am not certain of any balance issues but I am hoping to get some tests to do a baseline of where I am at today.
Symptoms began at least 2 years ago. I was having back issues, and decided to get an inversion table. About a day after using it, I realized I had completely lost hearing in my left ear. It was not long after that I got rid of that machine

. Hearing loss lasted for a few weeks and eventually came back to a point where I could hear better, I believe I had the tinnitus also. Over several months the hearing would come and go. I eventually ended up at an ENT, this was Mid 2011. I received hearing test, and there was noticeable hearing loss in left ear, ENT mentioned that it could be a tumor but very unlikely and felt an MRI was not need. A few weeks ago I scheduled a follow up appointment as I felt, and my wife felt

my hearing was worsening. The hearing test confirmed the hearing loss was much worse. At this point the Dr. was not sure why this was happening but stated it was time for an MRI, and that it could be a tumor. And he was correct.

At first I was a bit scared, the information on the net can be quite scary and overwhelming. I am currently at a point of acceptance and feel very fortunate to have this forum available to me.
Thanks to all