Author Topic: What's your experience with Anxiety/Balance and feeling like you have fluid?  (Read 11494 times)


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Hello -

My journey began in March with an ear infection/drainage that cleared up but my hearing loss, tinnitus and fits of nausea/balance problems are either caused by that illness or just coincidentally presented themselves at the same time. I guess it's possible an AN caused the infection. Who knows.

My hearing isn't getting worse but it's certainly not getting better and I have balance issues that give way to anxiety attacks but that portion of things comes and goes. The ringing never stops and there can be days where my ear 'clicks' for extended periods. Like the sound you hear inside your head when your eustachian tube is opening up.

My ENT did all of the balance and motor skills tests and said the results are good. No facial issues or problems with taste. I was feeling pretty good (aside from not hearing out of my right ear) the day I saw him. He said he was 'fascinated' by all of it. Weird.

I go for my MRI on Friday morning so we can see what's happening and figure it out from there.

It's odd to me because so many inner ear issues have the same symptoms. I SWEAR there is fluid in my ear that I can feel moving around back there but I have very little of my actual hearing intact. Two Docs tell me there's no fluid but my body certainly believes there is. Anyone else experience this?


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You're going to have to wait for the results of your MRI.

If you have an AN it could explain a lot.

If you don't have an AN, your condition could be caused by a lot of things and you'll need further evaluation.
3/15/18 12mm x 6mm x5mm
9/21/16 12mm x 7mm x 5mm
3/23/15 12mm x 5.5mm x 4mm
3/13/14 12mm x 6mm x 4mm
8/1/13 14mm x 5mm x 4mm (Expected)
1/22/13 12mm x 3mm (Gamma Knife)
10/10/12 11mm x 4mm x 5mm
4/4/12 9mm x 4mm x 3mm (Diagnosis)

My story at:


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When my tinnitus first started a year and a half ago I would swear that there was something in my ear. I even had my ear flushed and cleaned. It would feel like fluid, itching, pressure, all kinds of things. It was literally driving me crazy, not to mention the never ending clicking and buzzing. After a while the sensations left and now the tinnitus comes and goes, but usually it's here and I just have gotten so used to it I don't hear it anymore. I'm not sure if any of this helps, just wanted to let you know you aren't alone in feeling this way. Hope you find some answers!

Pam Fraley

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It is good that your doctor ordered the MRI.  My main complaint was that my ear felt plugged and the doctor said it wasn't so I went to an ENT and told him the same thing and he said it wasn't plugged.  My balance test came out fine but the MRI showed the AN so I truly believe that the best test to diagnose this or rule it out is the MRI.
6mmx4mm a/n (left IAC)
8-9mm meningioma (right cavernous sinus)
Diagnosed 2/5/2013 MRI
Wait & Watch -  Dr. Arts, University of Michigan
MRI scheduled for 10/22/2013
No change, continue w&w, repeat MRI in 6months


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Hi, I am facing the same anxiety and imbalance, vertigo since New Year's Day. I got a inner ear infection on both ears I thought. The fluid  filled both ears but esp my R ear where the AN has been diagnosed since last Oct. Although it's small I just read again that the size has nothing to do with the symptoms. It is the location. I went into denial for about  a yr. I now am so frustrated b/c I am not going out or wanting to drive not knowing when the vertigo will start again. I believe the allergies I could adjust to before now linger n and on and end up in my ears causing constant tinnitus and dizziness, foggy brain, I now have to reach out. I choose to watch and wait but wish the success rate of any of our options was greater and would take away the fullness we feel or I feel w/ constant weird feeling that I can't et my head around to get much done as I used to.
I wish this would go away sending my prayers to all of you.. We have to believe this will get better..
Anyone know wht to take to keep allergies at bay that started this fluid in my ear again  now w/ vertigo.
Love & prayers, healing to you, Grace


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good morning,I was diagnosed with an AN two years ago, soon after developed tinnitus.  have vertigo for about 2 months which is getting worse. I had follow MRI yesterday had more test scheduled for balance. for two years i thought I could live with the AN because it was almost symptomless, I am not sure now. Driving is becoming an issue because of the vertigo and nausea. Has anyone else experience this?