"Your own experience" is the key this problem. There is not a meter that someone can connect to your brain and measure how you will react to tinnitus. You have to decide how you will react.
I was in Viet Nam in the 60's and the first time I was on the receiving end of a rocket attack I was scared to death. There was the lingering fear of another attack, and it just wore me down thinking about it. However, you finally come to grips with it, and just becomes another part of you day...just not a big deal anymore.
Tinnitus, to me, is just like that. It is like dripping water, drip, drip, drip. It will wear you down. Some people live in fear of hearing those crickets or that "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" sound. My experience is I just live with it. It is one of the cards I got dealt. Constant imbalance. One of the cards I got dealt. Short term memory loss from a stroke. One of the cards I got dealt.
Life is good. NONE of those cards is going to make me have a bad day. That is my experience...and I'm sticking to it.