Beloved ANA friends, I have hesitated to respond since I have been through 200 hrs + of research and several visits to all the specialists who have been telling their opinions to me... as fragile as I was am I have to comment on what I just have read these past few pages... Holistically speaking, yes these are red yellow flags and how we react and what we change is how we live or exist. As a health & preventive professional that was pushed out of my faculty position because of catching the admin who was my former Patient in an affair w/ drugs and on and on never got my position back and 5 more tragic things happened after that all within 3 month then I was left alone empty nest and no local work for my husband so this has been a long run, I was here for all 24/7 then w/o the teaching position, caregiver, wife & mother -w/o the money , party and making dreams happen 1700 resumes later... this now I am just being not doing, I realize the gift f time yet too much alone is an extreme yet I am a people person. I now don't like to drive much ? Anyone else feel this way. I DO but I push to get all done while I am out so I can be still afterwards.. Not that this changes this outcome but tumors grow from nurturing old hurts.. I did tell this story too many times -not the first 2 yrs but after 1700 applications w/o ever getting rehired,,, then this fullness off balance an headaches/migraines had me check into the ENT who left a phone message as if talking about the weather left the AN and other misdiagnosis - wow ... changed my world... yet I now after almost a yr am going to have the MRI to hope it has not grown. I have stopped- smelled the roses as well as pray. I want to have a roommate to enjoy our lake house since I live alone 90 % of the time and it is not healthy plus to share is a great thing quietude by nature and share a common an experience with someone who really understands... and help and if interested can co-write or assist on one of my 5 books, One is to our core AN group - why ? To address the few comments said above, Yes we do have to make a change but often jumping into surgery is NOT the answer, Take it from a researcher in this matter. I have asked and written the best of the field in AN surgery and they were honest enough to tell me that I was right in asking where are the long term studies? THERE aren't any long term studies on these radiation procedures especially. 5 yrs is hardly gold science to tell patients to go ahead with. I have an analogy with the cyberknife or gamma or whatever name that they want to give radiation. I take x-rays in my field and also can simply say it how it was described to me from 2 of the top MD's . When you radiate the AN or anything in this high dose it makes the cells sticky so if ever you need to get a surgery to remove it the stickiness of the cells are so close to the nerves needed for vital facial and hearing and balance functions that the removal is much harder microscopically. To visualize this. think of a piece of plastic wrap over a container and after you microwave it then it shrinks so much you see it looking sticky. That is similar but it is our actual brain / ear / facial nerve cells frying. After this I took a long break from DR's. The info was too black to white n their difference in treatment from the sane AN specialists WHY?
and I am the real person who feels the outcome. My questions to those of you who got any of the procedures done.... Does it take away the underwater feeling? Did you come out with worse hearing or no hearing all together/ What is the best thing since the surgery besides getting it out of my brain? How any got headaches after or need more OT/PT to learn to use balance, or how to swallow? I have talked to people and read this for a while. I am now depressed knowing that I have not read but one happy positive outcome but even that one said he/she lost hearing of the ear worked on. I hope to hear back as I have so much to give yet for the first time I am alone truly alone in my life on the lakeside of CT, I have not wanted to tell people so as not to be judged as I have not been in a good space for a while. Thanks to others posting here I guess depression is part of it plus it being such a change every Sept. no class full of students and nobody to hear all about prevention, I thought the whole world wanted TO HEAR AND LEARN HEALTH AND PREVENTION, I WAS WOKEN UP 2 YRS AGO WHEN NOT ONE OF MY RESUMES WERE RETURNED. Our healthcare system I just realized we have a sick care system not a wellness care system and although I pay a lot for my own insurance (615.00)a month -I only can get drugs & surgery - not any preventive care - massage , craniosacral release, swimming, ect... I hope to see it different but after years of teaching like DR Oz with a lot more on helping all students learn what was closest to them to find the cure not mask it and I helped them use gold science by asking them to ask the right questions and going to the masters not the practices. The Cyberknife and all equipment must be paid for a the comment above was stated.. Unfortunately ,, Medicine has become a huge greedy business,,, as heart wrenching and as many years it has taken me to do this.... I now have to be sure if I get cut or fried to hopefully feel better after and pray there won't be mistakes as this has been enough for me to handle. You posting this means a lot to me. I hope you know that, Your words are always inspirational, God Bless You all and I hope t get responses... Grace